Please scroll to and click on a Divided Loyalties Audio Tour panel image that you would like to view and listen to below. Or directly navigate to specific panel sections by clicking any of the above Section or Panel links. Alternatively, you may download the whole audio tour for playback as a mp3 file.
Download the entire 32 minute audio tour (mp3, 10.8MB)*
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Section 1
Panel 1

Civil War Documents from the Missouri State Archives - (An Exhibit of the Missouri State Archives)
Panel 2

Missouri Before the War - (Slavery in Missouri)
Panel 3

Bleeding Kansas - (The Kansas-Nebraska Act, Border Violence)
Panel 4

Slavery in the 1820 Constitution - (Missouri State Constitution of 1820)
Panel 5

Missouri Before the War - (Freedom in a Slave Society, Dred and Harriet Scott)
Panel 6

War on the Horizon - (The Jackson Resolutions, Lincoln's Election, War on the Horizon)
Panel 7

Preparations for War - (Claiborne Fox Jackson, Missouri State Convention of 1861)
Panel 8

Two State Governments - (Missouri's Government in Exile, Missouri's Provisional Government)
Panel 9

Missouri at War - (Early Missouri Battles, 1861)
Panel 10

Missouri at War - (The Final Attempt to Win Missouri)
Panel 11

Missourians in Uniform - (Citizen Soldiers, One Soldier's Paper Trail, Famous Soldiers)
Panel 12

Missourians in Uniform - (U.S. Colored Troops)
Section 2
Panel 13

Confederate Records - (The Confederate Story, One Soldier's Paper Trail)
Panel 14

Guerrilla Warfare
Panel 15

Martial Law - (Loyalty, Vigilante Justice)
Panel 16

Caught in the Middle - (Forced Conscription, Discrimination, Disrupted Government)
Panel 17

A Time Line of Union Military Units in Missouri - (Federal Union Military Units)
Panel 18

A Time Line of Union Military Units in Missouri - (State Union Military Units)
Panel 19

Fighting Away from Home - (On the March with Sherman, Care for the Sick and Wounded)
Panel 20

Union Troops at Odds Over Slavery - (Who is in Charge?, Setting Slaves Free)
Panel 21

Missouri's 1865 Constitution - (The Drake Constitution)
Panel 22

Challenging the Oath - (Frank Blair's Oath)
Panel 23

The Iron Clad Oath - (Loyalty and the Right to Vote)
Panel 24

The Iron Clad Oath - (The Burden of Proving Loyalty)
Section 3
Panel 25

Military Prisoners - (Wartime Prisoners, Appeals for Pardon)
Panel 26

Battles Fought in Court - (Fighting Order No. 3)
Panel 27

Battles Fought in Court - (One Union Man Fights Another)
Panel 28

Battles Fought in Court - (Seeking Compensation, Theft and Conspiracy)
Panel 29

Vigilante Violence - (The Murder of Obadiah Smith, Seeking Damages)
Panel 30

Vigilante Violence - (Seeking Justice for Wartime Crimes, Seeking Justic in the Press)
Panel 31

Vigilante Violence - (Frank and Jesse James, Robbery... and Murder)
Panel 32

Vigilante Violence - (The End of the James Gang)
Panel 33

Post-War Corruption - (Political Slander, Missing War Claims)
Panel 34

Missouri's 1875 Constitution - (The End of Radical Power)
Panel 35

Civil War Veterans - (Missing Soldiers, Military Pensions)
Panel 36

Document Preservation - (Digitizing Civil War Documents, Preserving Civil War Era Court Cases, Local Records Program)
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