Executive Order 1 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates the Missouri Automotive Jobs Task Force. (Jan. 13)
Executive Order 2 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates the Governor’s Economic Stimulus Coordination Council. (Jan. 13)
Executive Order 3 – Gov. Jay Nixon directs the Missouri Department of Economic Development, working with the Missouri Development Finance Board, to create a pool of funds designated for low-interest and no-interest direct loans for small business. (Jan. 13)
Executive Order 4 – Gov. Jay Nixon declares a State of Emergency and directs the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan to be activated due to severe storms that started on January 26. (Jan. 26)
Executive Order 5 – Gov. Jay Nixon establishes the Complete Count Committee to ensure that Missouri has an accurate count of its citizens during the 2010 Census. This Executive Order supersedes and replaces Executive Order 08-34. (Jan. 27)
Executive Order 6 – Gov. Jay Nixon activates the state militia in response to the aftermath of severe storms that began on January 26. (Jan. 28)
Executive Order 7 – Gov. Jay Nixon gives the director of the Department of Natural Resources the authority to temporarily suspend regulations in the aftermath of severe weather that began on January 26. (Jan. 30)
Executive Order 8 – Gov. Jay Nixon designates members of his staff to have supervisory authority over departments, divisions, and agencies of state government. (Feb. 2)
Executive Order 9 – Gov. Jay Nixon orders the transfer of various scholarship programs under the Departments of Agriculture, Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education, and Natural Resources to the Department of Higher Education. (Feb. 4)
Executive Order 10 – Gov. Jay Nixon orders the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Economic Development to transfer the Missouri Customized Training Program to the Department of Economic Development. (Feb. 4)
Executive Order 11 – Gov. Jay Nixon orders the Department of Health and Senior Services and the Department of Social Services to transfer the Blindness Education, Screening and Treatment (BEST) Program to the Department of Social Services. (Feb.4)
Executive Order 12 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates and establishes the Transform Missouri Initiative. (Feb. 20)
Executive Order 13 – Gov. Jay Nixon extends Executive Order 09-04 and Executive Order 09-07 through March 31, 2009. (Feb. 25)
Executive Order 14 – Gov. Jay Nixon designates members of his staff to have supervisory authority over certain departments, divisions, and agencies. (March 5)
Executive Order 15 – Gov. Jay Nixon expands the Missouri Automotive Jobs Task Force to consist of 18 members. (Mar. 24)
Executive Order 16 – Gov. Jay Nixon directs the Department of Corrections to lead a permanent, interagency steering team for the Missouri Reentry Process. (Mar. 26)
Executive Order 17 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates the Transform Missouri Project as well as the Taxpayer Accountability, Compliance and Transparency Unit, and rescinds Executive Order 09-12. (Mar. 31)
Executive Order 18 – Gov. Jay Nixon makes energy efficiency a priority for state office buildings. (April 23)
Executive Order 19 – Gov. Jay Nixon declares a State of Emergency and directs the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan to be activated due to severe weather that began on May 8, 2009. (May 8)
Executive Order 20 – Gov. Jay Nixon gives the director of the Department of Natural Resources the authority to temporarily suspend regulations in the aftermath of severe weather that began on May 8, 2009. (May 12)
Executive Order 21 – Gov. Jay Nixon declares a State of Emergency and directs the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan to remain activated due to severe weather that began on May 8, 2009. (May 14)
Executive Order 22 – Gov. Jay Nixon appoints the Home Building and Residential Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel to issue recommendations on energy efficiency measures for the home building sector and consumers. (Aug. 20)
Executive Order 23 – Gov. Jay Nixon designates members of his staff to have supervisory authority over departments, divisions, and agencies of state government. (Sept. 1)
Executive Order 24 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates the Prompt Pay for a Healthy Missouri Project. (Sept. 11)
Executive Order 25 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates the Governor's Faith-Based and Community Service Partnership for Disaster Recovery. (Sept. 21)
Executive Order 26 – Gov. Jay Nixon declares that state offices will be closed on Friday, November 27, 2009. (Oct. 30)
Executive Order 27 – Gov. Jay Nixon creates the Missouri Office of Health Information Technology, referred to as MO-HITECH. Executive Order 06-03 is rescinded. (Nov. 4)
Executive Order 28 – Gov. Jay Nixon establishes the post of Missouri Poet Laureate. This Executive Order supersedes and replaces Executive Order 08-01. (Dec. 24)
Executive Order 29 – Gov. Jay Nixon outlines the suspension of federal commercial motor vehicle and driver laws during emergency declarations. This Executive Order will supersede Executive Orders 07-01 and 08-40 on February 1, 2010. (Dec. 31)