WHEREAS, an effective disaster response and recovery system must have the well-being of Missouri's citizens as a principal goal; and
WHEREAS, our state is strengthened by a strong collaborative partnership between public agencies and faith-based, charitable and community service organizations in the service of its citizens in need after a disaster, especially those people with special needs such as the elderly and persons with disabilities; and
WHEREAS, providing a cohesive, effective human services response and recovery plan for Missourians requires advanced and on-going collaboration, communication, coordination and cooperation among federal, state, and local governments, and private sector and citizen groups; and
WHEREAS, record numbers of disasters have affected the State of Missouri over the past 30 months, imposing considerable hardship on Missourians and their communities; and
WHEREAS, providing a comprehensive disaster response system that includes faith-based, charitable and community service organizations along with state, federal, and local entities, will promote timely recovery to those affected individuals and communities.
NOW THERFORE, I, JEREMIAH W. (JAY) NIXON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby create and establish the Governor's Faith-Based and Community Service Partnership for Disaster Recovery (herein called the "Partnership").
The Partnership shall be comprised of governmental and private agency representatives. To form the membership of the Partnership, I direct the following state departments and agencies to designate one representative each with appropriate policy-making authority:
- Agriculture
- Conservation
- Economic Development
- Elementary and Secondary Education
- Health and Senior Services
- Higher Education
- Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration
- Labor and Industrial Relations
- Mental Health
- Missouri Housing Development Commission
- Natural Resources
- Office of Administration
- Public Safety
- Social Services
- State Emergency Management Agency
- University of Missouri - Extension
A representative from the Governor's staff will also serve as a member of the Partnership.
The partnership shall also include one representative from each of the following private sector organizations and federal agencies: American Red Cross, Missouri Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MOVOAD), The Salvation Army, Missouri Catholic Conference, Missouri Baptist Convention, Lutheran Disaster Services, Missouri United Methodist Conference, Church World Service, Missouri Interfaith Disaster Response Organization, AmeriCorps - St. Louis, United Ways of Missouri, Missouri Association of Community Action, Missouri Legal Services, Missouri Police Chiefs Association, Missouri Sheriffs Association, Missouri Emergency Preparedness Association, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and United States Department of Agriculture
I further direct the Partnership, by and through its chairs, to invite additional membership from a wide range of private-sector organizations and agencies who by nature of their charters and mission are uniquely suited to enhance the delivery of assistance to victims of disasters to include but not limited to faith-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, Federal emergency human services related partner agencies and associations of emergency human services organizations. The Partnership shall keep the Office of the Governor fully apprised of its non-state, public and private-sector membership.
The Partnership shall be directed by two co-chairs. One co-chair shall represent the public-sector members of the Partnership and be appointed by the Governor. The second co-chair shall represent the private-sector members of the Partnership and shall be elected by a majority vote of such members. The Partnership shall meet at the call of its Co-Chairs.
The Partnership shall be staffed by the State Emergency Management Agency.
Members of the Partnership shall receive no compensation for their service to the people of Missouri but may seek reimbursement for their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred as members of the Partnership, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Office of Administration, to the extent that funds are available for such purpose.
I hereby charge the Partnership with the following duties and responsibilities:
- Develop and maintain operating protocols for the Partnership;
- Serve as the coordinating organization in concert with the State Emergency Management Agency for emergency human services functions in natural disasters and terrorist events;
- Provide a forum to enable collaborative organizations such as the Missouri Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MOVOAD) and Missouri Interfaith Disaster Response Organization (MIDRO) to best serve Missourians in time of emergency;
- Assure the responsiveness of public and private sector resources to citizens in time of disaster;
- Improve the human services disaster response and recovery delivery methods with a goal of increasing service to the citizens of Missouri while maximizing the use of public and private sector resources;
- Develop and maintain an effective response and recovery plan which includes those Missourians with special needs;
- Function as a State Citizen Council for the State of Missouri, with support to the Homeland Security Advisory Council, on post-disaster human service issues; and
- Develop and propose to the Governor's office, viable plans for funding recovery efforts in disasters that are undeclared, and to assist Missourians who are underserved in declared disasters.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 21st day of September, 2009.
[Jay Nixon's signature]
Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon
[Robin Carnahan's signature]
Robin Carnahan
Secretary of State
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