UCC Fees & Forms

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Send all UCC filings to:
UCC Office

Missouri Secretary of State
P.O. Box 1159
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Toll Free: 1-866-223-6535
Phone: 573-751-4628
Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM


UCC Fee Schedule



UCC1 - Initial Financing Statement


UCC3 - Amendment/Assignment/Continuation/Termination to Financing Statement

This form should be used to amend, assign, continue or terminate an existing financing statement.


UCC5 - Correction Statement (Claim Concerning Inaccurate or Wrongfully Filed Record)


UCC11 - Information Request: Search


UCC - ACH - Authorization Agreement


Missouri's UCC forms are in substantial compliance with the format approved by the International Association of Commercial Administrators (Section 400.9-521, RSMo). These forms are listed here and can be downloaded for ease of processing. Signature lines are not included because they are not required.