Missouri Digital Heritage :: Explore the Civil War :: Divided Loyalties: Civil War Documents

Divided Loyalties

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Drawing on more than nine million pages of documents and court cases, Divided Loyalties examines the upheaval and uncertainty that characterized Missouri during the Civil War era.  The exhibit goes beyond the stories of battles and military strategy to consider the social conflict that permeated the state for the two decades that followed the Kansas Border Wars of the mid-1850s.

The exhibit will tour the state during the remainder of the sesquicentennial. You can use the map below to browse locations, or download the complete exhibit schedule.PDF Document

star_red Locations where the exhibit is on display (2011)
star_blue Locations where the exhibit will be on display in the future (2012 and beyond)
star_gray Locations where the exhibit has already been but is no longer on display
ico_brochure Download the brochurePDF Documentfor a detailed overview of the exhibit, which discusses the themes and topics addressed.
(pdf, 1.1MB)

ico_audio Download the full audio tour* which will guide you through the exhibit, section by section or visit the audio tour webpages to listen to and view the exhibit online.
(mp3, 32 min), *(right click to save)

ico_passport Stamp your Civil War passport at our exhibit, or join a guided bus tour. Visit the Jefferson City Convention & Visitors’ Bureau website to learn more.

All official state documents must bear the Great Seal of the State of Missouri. This seal, which is on display as part of the Divided Loyalties exhibit, was taken by Governor Jackson and other members of Missouri’s pro-Confederate elected government when they fled Jefferson City in June 1861.
Can you imagine being forced to take an oath to keep your job or even stay in your home? Learn about the role of loyalty oaths during and after the Civil War, and view copies of actual oaths.