Words Everywhere

Recommended Reading List
This is a list of print/braille and large print books available for you to check out that help support the Words Everywhere skill from the That All Children May Read early literacy curriculum. These books help build a child’s vocabulary.
To order any of these titles, contact the library by email, mail or phone. You may also request these titles online through WolfPAC. Identification numbers for print/braille books begin with BR and large print books begin with LP. All audiobooks with the prefix DB or DBC are linked to the Braille and Audio Reading Download site (BARD) for downloading.
Babies (Birth through One)
Moo, Baa, La, La, La! by Sandra Boynton
BR050806 (Uncontracted)
A cow says moo. A sheep says baa. Three singing pigs say la, la, la! Sounds made by different animals. A board book. Uncontracted braille. PRINT/BRAILLE. 1982.
Mustache Baby by Bridget Heos
BR060022 (UEB)
A picture book about baby Billy, who is born with a mustache, and his parents, who must figure out if it's a Good-Guy mustache, or a Bad-Guy mustache. Mustache Baby series, book 1. Braille added by Calvary Lutheran High School Braille Club. Building Block Picture Book Award nominee, 2014. PRINT/BRAILLE. 2013.
Opposites by Xavier Deneux
Day, Night; Heavy, Light...an OPPOSITES concept book unlike any other. A TouchThinkLearn book. A tactile board book. 2013.
Ten Tiny Toes by Caroline Jayne Church
Combines art with rhymes in an adaptation of the classic song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," that reveals how ears wiggle and bellies giggle. A board book. PRINT/BRAILLE. 2014.
That's Not My Train—by Fiona Watt
A mouse searches for his train. A tactile board book. PRINT/BRAILLE. 2000.
Toddlers (Two through Three)
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
BR016722 (Uncontracted)
Rhythmic tale about the many kinds of feet you meet—front feet, back feet, red feet, black feet—depending on whom they belong to. PRINT/BRAILLE. 1968.
Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? by Nancy White Carlstrom
BR053692 (Uncontracted)
The activities from morning to bedtime of a very young Jesse Bear are described in lifting verse. Print/Braille. Uncontracted braille. Board book. 1986.
The Longest Noodle by Suzette Wright
A child finds on his plate of spaghetti an extra-long noodle. He and his friend compare this noodle with other string-like objects. On the Way to Literacy series. A tactile book. PRINT/BRAILLE. 1991.
What the Baby Hears by Laura Godwin
Rhyming text reveals the loving sounds baby animals hear from their parents, from the "nuzzle, nuzzle, nuzzle" heard by the colt to "I love you” heard by a human baby. 2002.
Which Hat Is That? by Anna Grossnickle Hines
A mouse tries on many kinds of hats and becomes a firefighter, gardener, chef, tea-party hostess, and space traveler. Building Block Picture Book Award nominee, 2003. PRINT/BRAILLE. 2002.
Preschool (Four through Six)
Curious George at the Park by Margret Rey
Explore the park with Curious George. There are so many fun things to touch and feel! Curious George series. Print/braille. 2010.
Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
BR051669 (Uncontracted)
When Farmer Brown goes on vacation, leaving his brother Bob in charge, Duck makes trouble by changing all his instructions to notes the animals like much better. Building Block Picture Book Award nominee, 2003. Uncontracted braille. PRINT/BRAILLE. 2002.
If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Joffe Numeroff
BR051474 (Uncontracted)
Follows a boy and his mouse through a busy day at school. Uncontracted braille. PRINT/BRAILLE. 2002.
Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully
BR053724 (Uncontracted)
Mirette learns tightrope walking from Monsieur Bellini, a guest in her mother's boarding house, not knowing that he is a celebrated tightrope artist who has withdrawn from performing because of fear. Caldecott Award, 1993. Show-Me Book Award nominee, 1994-1995. Uncontracted braille. PRINT/BRAILLE. 1992.
When Addie was Scared by Linda Bailey
BR053718 (Uncontracted)
Addie, who is scared of almost everything, somehow summons the courage to stave off a large hawk who is threatening her grandmother's chickens. Uncontracted braille. PRINT/BRAILLE. 1999.