College of the Ozarks, Jefferson Barracks Park and Missouri Capitol
In 2020, the governor signed a bill designating three separate Gold Star Memorials as official state symbols. The federal Gold Star Families program is for individuals whose immediate family member died during U.S. military service. The Gold Star tradition dates back to the World War I Service Flag families would fly at their homes. A blue star on the flag represented a serving member of the family; a gold star meant that family member had died during his or her service. The Service Flag was formalized by Congress in 1942.
The nation observed its first Gold Star Mother’s Day in September 1936; Gold Star Mother’s and Father’s Day is now marked annually on the last Sunday in September and Gold Star Spouse’s Day is April 5. The Gold Star lapel button (pin) was established by Congress in 1947. A U.S. Gold Star is issued by the Department of Defense or the deceased’s specific branch of the military. Each Gold Star honoree receives an official Gold Star lapel pin and survivor support services.
List of existing Gold Star memorials in Missouri, as of June 2023:
- *College of the Ozarks, Taney County, Gold Star Memorial Monument, Patriots Park (Dedicated 04/19/2017)
- *Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis County, Gold Star Pavilion (Dedicated 05/09/2015)
- *Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis County, Missouri Military Memorial (Dedicated 05/27/2017)
- Jefferson City, Cole County, Gold Star Memorial Monument, Capitol grounds (Dedicated 08/07/2021)
- *Jefferson City, Cole County, Gold Star Memorial Plaque, Capitol grounds (Dedicated 11/04/2017)
- Kennett, Dunklin County, Gold Star Memorial Monument, Dunklin County Courthouse grounds (Dedicated 04/24/2020)
- Moberly, Randolph County, Gold Star Mothers Memorial Bench, Omar Bradley War Memorial in Rothwell Park (Dedicated 05/22/1966)
- O’Fallon, St. Charles County, Gold Star Memorial Plaque, St. Charles County Veterans Museum grounds (Dedicated 04/17/2021)
*Part of the state statute
Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo)
§10.237. Gold Star Families Memorial Monument at College of the Ozarks designated as an official Gold Star memorial monument. – The Gold Star Families Memorial Monument at the College of the Ozarks campus in Point Lookout, Missouri, shall be known as an official Gold Star Memorial Monument for the state of Missouri.
§10.238. Gold Star Memorial monument and pavilion designated as an official Gold Star memorial monument. – The Gold Star Memorial Monument and Pavilion at Jefferson Barracks Park in St. Louis County, Missouri, shall be known as an official Gold Star Memorial Monument for the state of Missouri.
§10.239. Gold Star Memorial Monument at Capitol designated as an official Gold Star memorial monument. – The Gold Star Memorial Monument at the Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri, shall be known as an official Gold Star Memorial Monument for the state of Missouri. (L. 2020 S.B. 656)
approved 14 July 2020
effective 28 August 2020
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Additional Resources:
Jefferson Barracks Park: https://stlouiscountymo.gov/st-louis-county-departments/parks/places/jefferson-barracks-park/.
Patriots Park at College of the Ozarks: https://www.cofo.edu/Pillars/Patriotic/Memorials-on-Campus.
U.S. Department of Defense Gold Star Families: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/casualty-assistance/survivor-support/honoring-gold-star-families/.
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