Records Management:: State Records Center:: Requesting and Transferring Boxes or Files

Off Site Storage

Requesting and Transferring Boxes or Files


Requesting and Transferring Boxes/Files

Requests for boxes or files stored at the State Records Center must be entered into the state records tracking system. Requests are usually fulfilled within two to four business days after the request is entered into the system. Exceptions to the four business day turn around are when there is a large surge in requests across multiple agencies, an individual has entered requests for eleven or more boxes or files, or multiple individuals from the same agency have entered numerous requests for boxes or files.

  1. Agency records can only be accessed by authorized agency personnel.
  2. Inter-agency requests, Sunshine requests, law enforcement requests, etc. must be made through the originating agency (owner of the records).
  3. If picking up the records in-person, the courier must show their employee state I.D. card.
  4. Records requests are scheduled in order of receipt except when directed by the Director of Records Management, the Senior Analyst, or the Records Center Supervisor OR when workforce efficiencies provide for earlier retrieval

Delivery/Return of Boxes

Agencies in Jefferson City are able to have their boxes picked up from, and delivered to, their office building by state records staff by making a request through the state records tracking system. Agencies can also use their own staff to deliver and pick up their boxes but must be coordinated with the Records Center Supervisor. Shipments must be transferred to the agency’s freight dock for pick up. Records center staff are authorized to collect shipments from the agency’s building freight dock only. Security of the boxes at the freight dock and the transfer of the shipment from the freight dock area is the responsibility of the agency. If the agency does not have a freight dock, an alternative location must be arranged with Records Center staff.

Agencies outside the Jefferson City area requesting boxes will have to arrange for the pickup and delivery of their boxes through other means. Unless otherwise arranged, all boxes are to be delivered to the State Records Center Annex at 4720 Scruggs Station Road, Jefferson City, MO 65109. Deliveries of newly created boxes or returning boxes must be coordinated with the Records Center Supervisor

Delivery/Return of Files

Agencies in Jefferson City are able to have their files delivered to their office building by state records staff by making a request through the state records tracking system. Agencies can also use their own staff to pick up their files provided the request specifies that a courier will be picking up the file. Agencies outside the Jefferson City area will have their files mailed to the address listed on the request. Files must exist within the state records tracking system before they can be requested. To ensure the prevention of duplicate files, requestors should search the system prior to making the request.

To return files agencies in Jefferson City can use inter-agency mail, a courier, or have the files bundled along with a requested box pick up. Returning files must be clearly marked with “Re-File” to assist Records Center staff. Agencies outside of Jefferson City can mail the files to the State Records Center Annex at 4720 Scruggs Station Road, Jefferson City, MO 65109 or use a courier to deliver them to the same address.

Ordering Records Center Boxes

All records stored in the offsite storage facilities must be packed in one-cubic-foot boxes. The boxes (item 242.SZ) may be purchased through Missouri Vocational Enterprises (MVE). .

Damaged Boxes

If Records Management finds that a box has lost its structural integrity, it will be returned to the agency. A note will be placed on the box notifying the agency that its contents must be reboxed and the box label reprinted in order for the records to be returned to the Records Center. Agencies must ensure that boxes being returned to the records center are in serviceable condition.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Division of Records Management at (573) 751-3319 or by email at [email protected].