Create Stories, Play Make-Believe and Let Your Child Be the Storyteller.

Baby Tips
- Ask questions and answer them. This involves your baby in the conversation and shows them what conversation is like.
- Narrate your life, talking about the things you are doing: "I am going to make a sandwich for your brother. I need bread, peanut butter and jelly."
- Share wordless books together and make up stories to go with the pictures.
Toddler Tips
- Give toddlers lots of opportunities and time to talk, even if they aren't saying many words yet.
- Talk about your day: "First we went to the doctor, then we went to the library and got some books, then we went to the grocery store."
- When reading a book your toddler is familiar with, stop and ask them to tell you what happens next.
- Make up stories to go with the pictures in books and magazines.
Preschool Tips
- Play pretend! This is how preschoolers learn to tell their own stories.
- Tell stories, some pretend and some real. Have children tell others about things they have done. "Let's tell Grandma about our trip to the zoo. What did we see first?"
- Retell favorite books and stories out loud. Acting them out with toys is fun, too!
- Write down stories preschoolers tell, or encourage them to write them with pictures and pretend words.