
Secretary of State Denny Hoskins invites Missourians to submit photographs for the 2025–2026 Official Manual Photo Contest. Winning photographs will be published in the 2025–2026 Official Manual, the state’s official reference book. All submitted photographs will be added to the permanent collection of the Missouri State Archives, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.


  1. All Missourians are eligible to participate — professional and amateur photographers are encouraged to submit their favorite photographs for the following categories:
    1. Man’s Best Friend – Capture photographs of the adorable and interesting pets of Missouri
    2. Missouri Sunrises – Showcase the natural beauty of Missouri by submitting photographs of sunrises in our great state
    3. Rooted Recipes – Submit photos and recipes of your treasured generational recipes to showcase homestead pride
  2. Only one photograph in each category may be submitted by any one individual. A separate, completed entry form must accompany each entry. Entry forms are available for download.
  3. All entries become the property of the Office of the Secretary of State. Do not include return envelopes or return postage with your entries — photographs will not be returned. We recommend that entrants who wish to retain a copy of their entries keep the original negative or duplicate prints.
  4. Any and all photographs submitted may be used in subsequent publications of the Office of the Secretary of State, with proper credit given to the photographer and copyright owner.
  5. Contest winners will be notified upon completion of the Official Manual. In addition to being featured in the 2025–2026 Official Manual, winners will receive letters of congratulations and certificates of achievement signed by Secretary of State Denny Hoskins.
  6. Specifications:
    1. Photographic prints: color and/or black and white, glossy finish photographic prints are acceptable – photographs must be a minimum of 3 x 5 and can be up to 8 x 10. Contestants should not write on the backs of their entries. Additionally, they should not mount, staple, paper clip, or use adhesives such as tape or glue on the photographs. Color and/or black and white photocopies, laser prints or low resolution inkjet prints will not be accepted.
    2. 35mm slides and/or photographic transparencies: color and/or black and white positive image photographic slides and transparencies up to 5 x 7 are acceptable.
    3. Digital images:
      1. Color and/or black and white are acceptable.
      2. Printable image size of 5 x 7 minimum.
      3. Tagged information file format (.tif/.tiff) preferred — 300 dpi minimum.
      4. Standard high resolution digital images, digital camera or scans. Please do not use any special effects, filters or borders.
      5. Acceptable media: CD-ROM, flash drive and/or email. Max file size for email is 10 MB.
  7. All entries must be received via mail or email no later than 5:00 p.m., April 30, 2025. The Office of the Secretary of State does not assume responsibility for lost entries.

Download Entry Form

2025-2026 Photo Contest Sheet.jpg