WHEREAS, parole plays a crucial role in the Missouri criminal justice system, balancing offender rehabilitation with public safety; and
WHEREAS, under Chapter 217, RSMo., the Missouri Parole Board has the authority to grant parole, revoke parole, modify conditions of parole, or continue supervised parole; and
WHEREAS, it is critical to have a public, uniform policy promoting consistent and equitable decision-making for parole decisions, while allowing for individual case considerations; and
WHEREAS, Section 217.690.4 RSMo. mandates that the Missouri Parole Board shall adopt rules not inconsistent with the law with respect to the eligibility of offenders for parole, conduct of parole hearings, and conditions to be imposed upon paroled offenders; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Parole Board has adopted rules under the authority in Section 217.690.4 codified at 14 CSR 80- 2.010 to 80-2.030; and
WHEREAS, those rules have not been updated since 2017; and
WHEREAS, by enhancing guidelines and processes through formal rulemaking, Missouri can continue to refine its approach to offender management and increase accountability for those decisions, with the goal of safeguarding public safety while promoting successful reintegration and reducing recidivism; and
WHEREAS, a comprehensive review of the existing rules is in the interest of public safety.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MIKE KEHOE, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Missouri, hereby order the Department of Corrections and the Missouri Parole Board to do the following:
- Working Group to Develop Recommendations for Parole Board Rule Changes: Assemble a working group of stakeholders to include representatives of law enforcement, corrections, the judiciary, and the public to conduct a comprehensive review of the existing rules in 14 CSR 80-2.010 to 80-2.030. The Working Group shall be charged with developing recommendations for amendments to the existing rules and any proposed new rulemakings with the goal of providing clarity, transparency, and accountability for the parole process. Any changes to the rules shall only be applied prospectively.
- Receive and Implement the Working Group's Recommendations: Receive the recommendations of the Working Group and develop any necessary amendments to the existing rules and/or draft new rules, in accordance with the recommendations of the Working Group. The draft proposed rules shall be submitted to the Office of the Governor no later than October 1, 2025.
- Rulemaking Process: Once approved by the Governor's Office, the proposed rulemakings shall be submitted to the Secretary of State in accordance with procedures outlined in Chapter 536, RSMo, including the public comment period.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 13th day of January, 2025.
[signature of Mike Kehoe]
[signature of Denny Hoskins]
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