WHEREAS, Article IX, section 1(a) of the Missouri Constitution states that a “general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence” is essential to the rights and liberties of the people; and

WHEREAS, Article IX, section 1(a) of the Missouri Constitution provides that the General Assembly shall establish and maintain free public schools; and

WHEREAS, access to quality education for our youth is paramount to the success of Missouri; and

WHEREAS, the current funding mechanisms for public and charter schools in Missouri require reevaluation to ensure they are sustainable, equitable, and effective in supporting optimal educational outcomes; and

WHEREAS, maximizing educational outcomes through the most efficient use of funding is essential to ensuring every student in Missouri has access to quality education, thereby setting Missouri children and youth up for success both now and in the future; and

WHEREAS, it is essential to modernize the K-12 education foundation formula to reflect contemporary educational needs, economic realities, and demographic shifts; and

WHEREAS, a comprehensive review by a diverse group of stakeholders is necessary to achieve a sustainable, equitable, and fair funding model; and

WHEREAS, transparency and accountability in the allocation of educational funds are essential to maintain public trust and ensure tax dollars are effectively used to enhance student learning.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, MIKE KEHOE, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby establish the Missouri School Funding Modernization Task Force as follows:

  1. Composition:
    The Task Force shall consist of the following members:
    1. Two senators from the Missouri Senate, appointed by the President Pro Tem of the Senate;
    2. Two representatives from the Missouri House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House;
    3. A member of the State Board of Education, appointed by the State Board of Education;
    4. A superintendent from a large urban school district in Missouri, appointed by the Governor;
    5. A superintendent from a small rural school district in Missouri, appointed by the Governor;
    6. A teacher from a school in Missouri, appointed by the Governor;
    7. A representative of charter schools in Missouri, appointed by the Governor;
    8. A representative from a non-profit organization that works on expanding school choice in Missouri, appointed by the Governor;
    9. A representative of the business community, appointed by the Governor;
    10. A representative of the agriculture industry, appointed by the Governor; and
    11. Other members as appointed by the Governor.
  2. Support:
    Staff from the Governor's Office and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall provide necessary support, including but not limited to, research, data analysis, and administrative assistance. The Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education may participate on the Task Force as a non-voting member.

    The Task Force may use an informal staff-level working group composed of staff from the organizations represented on the Task Force to assist in fulfilling the objectives of the Task Force.
  3. Objectives:
    The Task Force shall develop recommended changes to modernize the state funding structure for K-12 education.
    1. Recommended changes to the funding formula shall ensure:
      1. Equality of opportunity for all students, regardless of geographic location, socioeconomic status, or other factors that cause disparate opportunities;
      2. Sustainability, based on realistic state and local revenue forecasts, including bounds for realistic changes in funding on an annual basis;
      3. Incentives are based on performance of schools and educational outcomes; and
      4. Adequate funding to sustain school operations and address reasonable educational costs.
    The primary funding model recommendation developed by the Task Force should produce funding amounts for K-12 public education in the first year of implementation at a level consistent with what is provided for in the State Fiscal Year 2025 budget for distributions to the free public schools, notwithstanding any additional increases required separately by previously enacted legislation. Such recommendation should also minimize, as much as possible, significant negative impacts to individual school districts.
  4. Reporting:
    The Task Force shall submit a final report to the Governor by December 1, 2026, detailing recommendations for potential state funding models for K-12 public and charter schools. The report should include up to three alternative recommendations or components of the recommended model, as well as a summary of feedback garnered through the work of the Task Force from stakeholders.
  5. Compensation:
    Members of the Task Force shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, subject to availability of funds.
  6. Duration:
    The Task Force shall dissolve upon submission of its final report unless extended by subsequent executive action.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 28th day of January, 2025.

[signature of Michael Kehoe]


[signature of Denny Hoskins]

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