WHEREAS, crime rates have rapidly increased across our nation and state, primarily in urban areas; and
WHEREAS, Missouri is on track to have its deadliest year on record, having already experienced more homicides in the first half of 2020 than the entire year of 2019; and
WHEREAS, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the General Assembly was only able to meet in limited fashion during the Second Regular Session of the One Hundredth General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, this unprecedented wave of violent crime presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of many Missourians; and
WHEREAS, protecting our citizens and the witnesses and victims of violent crimes is the paramount concern of our criminal justice system; and
WHEREAS, immediate legislative measures must be taken to further equip and enhance our criminal justice system to fight violent crime in Missouri and protect our citizens and residents.
NOW THEREFORE, on the extraordinary occasion that exists in the State of Missouri:
I, MICHAEL L. PARSON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor by the Constitution of the State of Missouri, do, by this Proclamation, convene the One Hundredth General Assembly of the State of Missouri in the First Extra Session of the Second Regular Session; and
I HEREBY call upon the Senators and Representatives of said General Assembly to meet in the State Capitol in the City of Jefferson at the hour of 12:00 p.m. on Monday, July 27, 2020; and
I HEREBY state that the action of said General Assembly is deemed necessary concerning each matter specifically designated and limited hereinafter as follows:
- To enact legislation amending Section 84.344, RSMo for the sole purpose of removing the requirement that police officers in the City of St. Louis are required to maintain a residence in the City for at least seven years;
- To enact legislation amending Section 211.071, RSMo to require courts to consider whether juveniles should be certified as adults in criminal cases for the offenses of unlawful use of a weapon and armed criminal action;
- To add a new section to Chapter 285, RSMo to prohibit public safety employees of the City of St. Louis from being required to reside within the city limits;
- To add a new section to Chapter 491, RSMo to allow for witness statement admissibility in court that would not otherwise be admissible, if the court finds that the defendant engaged in wrongdoing with the purpose of preventing the witness from testifying in the proceeding and the witness fails to appear;
- To add a new section to Chapter 491, RSMo that creates a pretrial witness protection services fund where the Department of Public Safety may disburse money from the fund to law enforcement agencies for the purposes of providing security of witnesses, potential witnesses, and their immediate families in criminal proceedings or investigations, subject to appropriation from the General Assembly;
- To enact legislation amending Section 568.045, RSMo in order to criminalize acts where a person knowingly encourages, aids, or causes a child less than seventeen years of age to engage in any weapons offense;
- To enact legislation amending Section 571.060, RSMo to increase the penalty from a class A misdemeanor to a class E felony for persons who knowingly sell or deliver a firearm to a child less than eighteen years of age without the consent of the child's parent or guardian;
- To add an Emergency Clause to all legislation enacted by the One Hundredth General Assembly, of the State of Missouri in the First Extra Session of the Second Regular Session;
- To allow the Senate to consider appointments to boards, commissions, departments, and divisions that require the advice and consent of the Senate; and
- Such additional and other matters as may be recommended by the Governor by special message to the General Assembly after it shall have been convened.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 15th day of July, 2020.
[Michael L. Parson’s signature]
[Jay Ashcroft’s signature]
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