WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a novel acute respiratory illness that is spread through close contact between persons and respiratory transmissions and is highly contagious; and
WHEREAS, I have been advised by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the State Emergency Management Agency that COVID-19 continues to pose a serious health risk for the citizens of the State of Missouri. The spread of COVID-19 and the identification of additional cases in Missouri are likely to continue, and steps are being taken to prevent a substantial risk to public health and safety; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order 20-02 was issued on March 13, 2020; extended on April 24, 2020 until June 15, 2020, through Executive Order 20-09; and extended on June 11, 2020 until December 30, 2020, through Executive Order 20-12 declaring a State of Emergency within the State of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order 20-06 was issued on March 26, 2020; extended on May 4, 2020 until June 15, 2020, through Executive Order 20-10; and extended on June 11, 2020 until September 15, 2020, through Executive Order 20-12, ordering and directing the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri, or his designee, to forthwith call and order into active service such portions of the organized militia as he deems necessary to aid the executive officials of Missouri, to protect life and property, and further ordered and directed that the Adjutant General or his designee, and through him, the commanding officer of any unit or other organization of such organized militia so called into active service take such action and employ such equipment may be necessary in support of civilian authorities, and provide such assistance as may be authorized and directed by the Governor; and
WHEREAS, through Presidential Memo #11, issued June 2, 2020, the President, by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, and section 502 of title 32, United States Code, extended the activation of the National Guard until August 21, 2020, to continue federal support for the Governors' use to respond to COVID-19 and to facilitate economic recovery; and
WHEREAS, through Presidential Memo #12, issued August 3, 2020, the President, by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, and section 502 of title 32, United States Code, extended the activation of the National Guard until December 31, 2020, to continue federal support for the Governors' use to respond to COVID-19 and to facilitate economic recovery; and
WHEREAS, an invocation of the provisions of Sections 44.100 and 44.110, RSMo, are still required to ensure the protection, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, under Executive Order 20-12, the State of Emergency will expire on December 30, 2020 and the order to the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri and the activation of the Missouri National Guard will expire on September 15, 2020, unless extended in whole or in part; and
WHEREAS, I find it necessary to extend to December 30, 2020 the order to the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri and activation of the Missouri National Guard.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MICHAEL L. PARSON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Missouri, hereby extend to December 30, 2020 the order to the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri, to forthwith call and order into active service such portions of the organized militia as he deems necessary to aid the executive officials of Missouri, to protect life and property contained in Executive Order 20-12.
This order shall terminate on December 30, 2020, unless extended in whole or in part.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 15th day of September, 2020.
[Michael L. Parson’s signature]
Michael L. Parson
[Jay Ashcroft’s signature]
John R. Ashcroft
Secretary of State
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