January 29, 2010
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, including the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 and Sections 26.500 through 26.540, RSMo, I hereby transmit Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 2010, by Executive Order 10-15, to transfer the Breath Alcohol Program from the Missouri Department of Transportation and assign it, and all of its responsibilities and functions, to the Department of Health and Senior Services. The Breath Alcohol Program will retain all functions and authority as provided by law. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services shall furnish administrative support and staff as is necessary for the effective operation of the Breath Alcohol Program.
Respectfully submitted,
[Jay Nixon's signature]
Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon
WHEREAS, the Department of Health and Senior Services is established by Chapter 192, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Department of Transportation is established by Article IV, Section 12, of the Missouri Constitution and Chapter 226, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, Chapters 306 and 577, RSMo, require the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to license and regulate the chemical analysis used in determining the alcohol or drug content of motor vehicle and watercraft operators; and
WHEREAS, the Breath Alcohol Program is responsible for performing on-site inspection of breath analyzers, as well as approving permits to operate and maintain evidential breath analyzers; permits to analyze blood, urine, and saliva for drugs; and courses to instruct permit holders in the use of breath analyzer equipment; and
WHEREAS, the Breath Alcohol Program was established to ensure that alcohol and drug testing is conducted in a uniform way throughout the state; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 26.500-26.540, RSMo, Executive Order 07-05 and Reorganization Plan No. 1, providing for the transfer of the Breath Alcohol Program from the Department of Health and Senior Services to the Missouri Department of Transportation, were filed with the General Assembly and were not disapproved; and
WHEREAS, unforeseen administrative issues made the transfer inefficient and not cost effective; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Health and Senior Services has the necessary expertise to administer the Breath Alcohol Program.
NOW THEREFORE, I, JEREMIAH W. (JAY) NIXON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby order the Missouri Department of Transportation and the Department of Health and Senior Services to cooperate to:
- Transfer all the authority, powers, duties, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, budgets, matters pending, and other pertinent vestiges of the Breath Alcohol Program from the Missouri Department of Transportation to the Department of Health and Senior Services, by Type I transfer as defined under the Reorganization Act of 1974; and
- Develop mechanisms and processes necessary to effectively transfer the Breath Alcohol Program to the Department of Health and Senior Services; and
- Transfer the responsibility for staff support for the Breath Alcohol Program from the Missouri Department of Transportation to the Department of Health and Senior Services; and
- Take the steps necessary to maintain compliance with federal requirements, so as not to jeopardize federal financial participation with this transfer.
This Order shall become effective August 28, 2010, unless disapproved within sixty days of its submission to the Second Regular Session of the 95th General Assembly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 29th day of January, 2010.
[Jay Nixon's signature]
Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon
[Robin Carnahan's signature]
Robin Carnahan
Secretary of State
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