Whereas, I have been advised by the Director of the State Emergency Management Agency that the on-going and forecasted severe storm systems have caused, or have the potential to cause, damages associated with tornados, high winds, hail, flooding, and flash-flooding in communities throughout the state of Missouri; and
Whereas, the severe weather that began on September 11, 2008 and is continuing, has the potential to create a condition of distress and hazard to the safety, welfare, and property of the citizens of the state of Missouri beyond the capabilities of some local jurisdictions, and other established agencies; and
Whereas, the state will continue to be proactive where the health and safety of the citizens of Missouri are concerned; and
Whereas, the citizens and communities of Missouri are still recovering from the effects of the February, March, May, and June 2008 major disasters; and
Whereas, an invocation of the provisions of Sections 44.100 and 44.110, RSMo, will be required to ensure the protection of the safety and welfare of the citizens of Missouri.
Now, Therefore, I, PETER KINDER, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, upon express delegation of Matt Blunt, Governor of the state of Missouri, and by virtue of the authority vested in him by the Constitution and Laws of the state of Missouri, including Section 41.480.2 RSMo, order and direct the Adjutant General of the state of Missouri, or his designee, to forthwith call and order into active service such portions of the organized militia as he deems necessary to aid the executive officials of Missouri, to protect life and property, and it is further ordered and directed that the Adjutant General or his designee, and through him, the commanding officer of any unit or other organization of such organized militia so called into active service take such action and employ such equipment as may be necessary in support of civilian authorities, and provide such assistance as may be authorized and directed by the Governor of this state.
This order shall terminate on October 15, 2008 unless extended in whole or in part
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson on the15th day of September, 2008.
[Peter Kinder's signature]
Peter Kinder
Lieutenant Governor
[Robin Carnahan's signature]
Robin Carnahan
Secretary of State
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