NO. 99-03
WHEREAS, the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Division of Employment Security is currently the state agency designated to receive federal Wagner-Peyser funds, conduct the free public employment offices and administer other employment assistance programs for the citizens of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development, Division of Job Development and Training currently administers the Job Training Partnership Act, and other job development and training programs for the citizens of Missouri, including the administration of federal Welfare to Work grants; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provides vocational education, training and rehabilitation services to its clients; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Job Development and Training and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education jointly administer customized training programs for Missouri employers; and
WHEREAS, the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, through public community colleges, provides customized training to employers; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services provides case management services and wage supplementation to its clientele; and
WHEREAS, these agencies have worked closely together in the past; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the labor exchange and job development and training programs currently administered by the Division of Employment Security and Division of Job Development and Training in one state agency will benefit the citizens of the state by promoting efficiency and eliminating duplication of activities and administrative costs; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations currently compiles labor market information which is essential to the efficient administration of workforce development programs; and
WHEREAS, combining the labor market research and analysis functions of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations with other workforce development programs will result in a better consolidation of the functions relating to workforce development and would benefit the citizens of the state by further promoting efficient administration of workforce development programs; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MEL CARNAHAN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of the state of Missouri, do hereby establish the Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development. Said division shall be designated as the state agency to receive Wagner-Peyser funds, shall administer programs under the federal Job Training Partnership Act and the Workforce Investment Act, and shall otherwise coordinate and administer the job development, training and placement activities for the citizens of the state of Missouri.
All the authority, powers, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the Division of Employment Security within the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations related to job training and labor exchange that are funded with or based upon Wagner-Peyser funds, and other federal and state workforce development programs administered by the Division of Employment Security are transferred by a Type I transfer to the Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development. The Division of Employment Security within the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations shall continue to exist and perform its functions and duties related to unemployment insurance.
All the authority, powers, duties, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the Division of Job Development and Training within the Department of Economic Development are transferred by a Type I transfer to the Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development. The Division of Job Development and Training within the Department of Economic Development is abrogated.
There shall be a linkage between the job training, placement and employment functions performed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, the Department of Social Services and the Division of Workforce Development. There shall also be a linkage between the unemployment insurance functions of the Division of Employment Security and the Division of Workforce Development.
FURTHER, all the authority, powers, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the labor market research and analysis functions of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations are transferred by a Type I transfer to the Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development. This transfer does not include the authority, powers, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of research performed by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations relating to workers compensation and workplace safety.
FURTHER, all the authority, powers, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the program known as Missouri WORKS! currently within the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations are transferred by a Type I transfer to Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 4th day of February, 1999.
[Mel Carnahan's signature]
[Rebecca McDowell Cook's signature]
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