WHEREAS, the State of Missouri continues to experience record floods on the state's rivers and streams; and
WHEREAS, the transportation of flood relief supplies by rail and carrier in this state is hindered due to flooding; and
WHEREAS, much of the State of Missouri has been declared to be in a state of disaster emergency due to flooding;
WHEREAS, drivers are needed immediately to transport flood victims, relief personnel and essential materials to victims of the flood in Missouri and its neighboring states; and
WHEREAS, drivers transporting flood victims, relief materials and relief personnel are providing essential emergency services pursuant to the execution of emergency governmental functions under emergency conditions; and
WHEREAS, Missouri law Section 302.775(3) RSMo provides that any person who drives emergency or fire equipment necessary to the preservation of life or property or the execution of emergency governmental functions under emergency conditions shall not be required to hold a Commercial Drivers License; and
WHEREAS, 49 CFS Section 390.23 provides that the provisions of Parts 390 through 399 of chapter 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations shall not apply to any driver operating a commercial motor vehicle to provide emergency relief during an emergency when an emergency has been declared by the governor of a state.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mel Carnahan, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby order that:
- Drivers of commercial motor vehicles directly engaged in transporting flood victims, relief personnel and emergency flood relief supplies to any county in the state which has been declared to be in a state of emergency or to the City of St. Louis and drivers transporting emergency flood relief supplies through the state of Missouri to any surrounding state which is in a state of emergency due to flooding, are exempt from the requirement of holding a Commercial Drivers License valid for the class of vehicle being operated.
- Drivers of commercial motor vehicles engaged in transporting flood victims, relief personnel and emergency flood relief supplies to any county in the state which has been declared to be in a state of emergency or to the City of St. Louis and drivers transporting emergency flood relief supplies through the state of Missouri to any surrounding state which is in a state of emergency due to flooding, shall not be subject to Parts 390 through 399 of chapter 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
- Nothing in this order shall exempt any driver from the requirement of being a validly licensed driver and from complying with all other traffic laws and regulations of this state.
- This order shall be in effect for the duration of the current state of emergency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 19th day of July, 1993.
[Mel Carnahan’s signature]
[Judith K. Moriarty’s signature]
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