WHEREAS, the creation of more and better job opportunities for Missourians at all skill levels and in all regions of the state is a top priority for balanced economic development; and
WHEREAS, small businesses employ almost fifty percent of all working Americans in the private, non-agricultural workforce; and
WHEREAS, the greatest increase in new jobs in Missouri will come from the establishment of new and the expansion of existing small businesses in the agricultural, manufacturing, retail, service and tourist sectors of the economy; and
WHEREAS, the retention of existing employment in Missouri greatly depends upon the resourcefulness of small businesses to adopt new technologies and cope with complex regulatory requirements; and
WHEREAS, the success of new small businesses will significantly depend upon their ability to secure adequate capital and affordable operating space; and
WHEREAS, scientific and technical advances which flow from research and academic institutions can be applied to the development of new and existing small businesses; and
WHEREAS, cooperation between state and local governments, financial institutions, business, labor, and research and academic institutions provides the most effective means for channeling resources to create new jobs throughout the state,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN ASHCROFT, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of Missouri hereby create and establish the Missouri Small Business Advisory Council.
The Council shall be composed of 14 members appointed as follows: 1 member of the Council shall be a member of the House of Representatives and appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to serve for the remainder of his current term of office; 1 member shall be a member of the Missouri Senate and appointed by the President Pro Tem of the Missouri Senate, to serve for the remainder of his current term of office; and 12 members shall be appointed by the Governor. The 12 members appointed to the Council by the Governor shall be residents of Missouri and they shall be actively engaged in a small business operating in Missouri, or be involved in the affairs of an association interested in the needs of small business, or be employed by an educational institution in a capacity which makes the appointee familiar with the workings of small business.
All members appointed by the Governor to the Missouri Small Business Advisory Council shall serve for terms of four years; except that, of the members first appointed, four shall be appointed for terms of four years, four shall be appointed for terms of three years, and four shall be appointed for terms of two years. No member of the Council shall receive any compensation for the performance of his official duties as a member of the Council. The Department of Economic Development shall provide staff to the Council to aid the Council in the performance of its duties.
The Council may study and recommend action on the following items and any others which it determines to be appropriate for the advancement of small business in Missouri:
- A definition of small business using criteria of the federal Small Business Administration but subject to modification based upon the particular problems and needs of Missouri.
- Methods for small businesses to obtain credit at reasonable rates, receive necessary training and technical assistance, and secure affordable locations for their operations.
- Improvements to the state's current "one-stop shop" program; particularly in the areas of aiding small businesses to obtain licenses and permits, helping small businesses to understand federal, state and local regulations, and assisting small businesses with contract procurement.
- Ways in which the state can assist in the coordination of services provide by Missouri and the federal government under the SBA's Small Business Development Center Act of 1980.
- Assistance which the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology can provide to small business initiatives in the areas of research and innovation and through technology transfer.
- Addressing special problems and needs which are faced by small businesses which are owned and operated by minorities and females.
- Enhancement of export trade possibilities for Missouri small businesses.
- Development of seed and early-stage financing for fledgling small businesses, including the possible use of state pension funds as a venture capital pool.
- Tailoring of the Missouri Industrial Development Board's loan guarantee program to better dovetail with the interests of small businesses.
The Council shall organize itself by selecting a chairman and a vice-chairman, each of whom shall serve in their respective positions for a term of two years. The Council shall adopt written procedures to govern its activities. It shall meet at least four times per year, and on other occasions when so called by the chairman.
The Council shall report annually to the governor, to the General Assembly, and to the Director of the Department of Economic Development on its activities and on the results of its studies. Its report shall include recommendations on legislation, policy changes and other matters offered to ease the problems of small businesses and to foster their continued participation in the economic development of Missouri.
This Executive Order shall be effective January 1, 1986.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 26th day of November, 1985.
[John Ashcroft's signature]
[Roy D. Blunt's signature]
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