WHEREAS, the state government of Missouri is committed to the provision of public services to the citizens of the State in an effective and economical manner; and
WHEREAS, state employees at all levels are a valued human resource whose development and training are essential to the achievement of increased productivity and improved management of the state government; and
WHEREAS, the State Personnel Law requires the Director of the Personnel Division in the Office of Administration to develop a central training program, establish a management trainee program, and formulate rules regarding mandatory training for persons employed in management positions; and
WHEREAS, the State Personnel Law also requires the Director of the Personnel Division to assist agencies in the development of such specialized training activities as can best be administered internally by individual agencies; and
WHEREAS, effective training and employee development programs require the full commitment of individual state departments which have a primary responsibility for the internal implementation of such programs as a part of their overall management authority; and
WHEREAS, all state training programs, including both in-service and out-service, should be planned, conducted and evaluated in a systematic, economical and coordinated manner under written state policies which encourage top management support, provide for appropriate division of responsibility and facilitate cooperation at all levels;
NOW THEREFORE, I CHRISTOPHER S. BOND, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, do hereby order and direct that the attached State Training Policy is adopted as the official policy of this State. All Departments of state government and the Personnel Division of the Office of Administration are directed to implement its provisions in cooperation with the Commissioner of Administration who is hereby authorized to establish such procedures, guidelines and standards as may be required for effective implementation thereof.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri this 1st day of December, 1981.
[Christopher S. Bond's signature]
[James Kirkpatrick's signature]
The primary objectives of training and employee development programs in state government are to achieve a continuing high level of work productivity, efficient management and effective services to individual citizens of the State, and to enhance opportunities for career growth of state employees.
Management personnel at all levels of state government will give full encouragement and support to the orderly development of practical training programs to achieve these objectives. Each department will seek ways to integrate training efforts with other improvement processes to strengthen its overall management effectiveness.
Each department has primary responsibility for determining training needs and for planning, developing, conducting and evaluating training activities within the department and this responsibility will be discharged in a manner consistent with the provisions of this state training policy. The Personnel Division of the Office of Administration has general responsibility for development and implementation of central training programs in areas which are inter-departmental in nature. The Division has primary responsibility for program and standards development for supervisory and management training and for coordination of training efforts in this general area. The Division also has responsibility to provide consultative, technical and resource support to departments as requested for their internal training activities. Each supervisor is responsible for assisting employees in the application of training on the job. Each individual employee has responsibility for effective use of the training opportunities provided and for personal self-growth and career development.
To facilitate inter-departmental communications and cooperation, each Department head will designate a representative to serve on the State Training Advisory Council. The function of the Council will be to review training programs, and resources, assist in the planning of inter-agency programs, propose improvements in training policies and methods and seek ways to increase resource sharing and cooperation. The Director of Personnel will serve as Chair for the Council.
Each department will prepare a written statement of its own training policies consistent with this State Training Policy and the procedures and standards established thereunder.
The Personnel Division of the Office of Administration and individual departments of state government will give priority to training and staff development programs and activities which strengthen supervisory and managerial performance and capability. For purposes of coordination, departments will annually review their projection of management and supervisory training needs with the Personnel Division which will use this information to develop central programs and standards.
After consultation with departments, the Personnel Division of the Office of Administration will establish standards and rules regarding mandatory training and related preparation for supervisory and management positions and develop central programs to satisfy these standards. Departments may establish alternative training programs which meet the guidelines and standards established by the Division for the central programs. In order to enhance the skills of employees who have been or are being assigned to supervisory or management positions, departments will require participation in such training as they find appropriate considering the past experience and/or training of the employee in question.
The Personnel Division of the Office of Administration will establish standards and procedures for a management trainee and internship program designed to attract and provide opportunity for career progression to those persons with outstanding management potential. This program shall include separate provisions for the selection and development of trainees from among the ranks of existing employees and for the recruitment and training of interns who have completed, or are in the final stages of completion of graduate college programs in management areas. Such management trainee and/or intern programs may be implemented by departments in accordance with established standards and in response to identified needs.
Each department will establish methods for periodic evaluation of each of its training courses and programs. The personnel Division of the Office of Administration in consultation with department representatives and the Commissioner of Administration will formulate guidelines for the evaluation of central inter-departmental training programs.
Each department will pay for training which it requires for its employees. Departments may reimburse employees for additional job-related, approved training courses according to policies and procedures issued by the Office of Administration and such departmental policies and procedures as are not in conflict therewith and which provide uniform treatment of employees.
Insofar as possible and consistent with training policy objectives, training programs shall assist, encourage and strengthen employee career growth and development opportunities within State government. Departments will assure that equal employment opportunity and upward mobility objectives are implemented as part of career development processes.
Departments of State government and the Personnel Division of the Office of Administration shall establish such programs, systems, and procedures as are necessary to discharge their responsibilities under this policy and applicable rules and statutes. It is the intent that these programs and procedures reflect a maximum level of inter-departmental cooperation and coordination.
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