WHEREAS, the establishment and appointment of a State Youth Employment Council as a condition for receipt of certain federal funds is required by Public Law 95-524 and regulations thereunder established by the United State Department of Labor; and
WHEREAS, the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 has authorized the Governor to create by executive order such councils as may be necessary to receive federal funds and to make such adjustments or modifications in the assignment of agencies programs or operations as may be necessary to conform with federal law or regulations to receive federal funds.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH P. TEASDALE, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, do hereby declare and direct that there is created a "Governor's Youth Employment Council". Members of the Council shall be appointed by the Governor to serve at his pleasure in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978.
Members appointed to the Council shall include representation from the State educational agency, State Vocational Advisory Council, post-secondary education institutions, business, unions, apprenticeship community, public employment service agencies, state government and nongovernment agencies which are involved in serving youth, the community, and the prime sponsor. In addition, Council members shall include not less than two youth who are participants in, or eligible for the Youth Employment and Training Program. The Governor shall designate the chairman of the Council who shall serve at his pleasure.
The Governor's Youth Employment Council shall:
- Report to the State Employment and Training Council and the Balance of State Planning Council.
- Make recommendations for setting basic goals, policies and procedures for Youth Programs operated by Prime Sponsors under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.
- Review the findings of monitoring efforts for Comprehensive Employment and Training Act youth programs and make recommendations for the purpose of improving the utilization and coordination of the delivery of services.
- Review and make recommendations with respect to the proposed agreements with local educational agencies under the Youth Employment and Training Program.
- Establish rules and regulations internally for operation of the Council.
The Governor's Youth Employment Council hereby established is within the Department of Social Services for administrative purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, this 7th day of February, 1980.
[Joseph P. Teasdale's signature]
[James C. Kirkpatrick's signature]
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