WHEREAS, the establishment and appointment of a State Employment and Training Council as a condition for receipt of certain federal funds is required by Public Law 95-524 and regulations thereunder established by the United States Department of Labor; and
WHEREAS, the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 has authorized the Governor to create by executive order such councils as may be necessary to receive federal funds and to make such adjustments or modifications in the assignment of agencies programs or operations as may be necessary to conform with federal law or regulations to receive federal funds.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH P. TEASDALE, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, do hereby declare and direct that there is created a "Governor's State Employment and Training Council" consisting of thirty-six members appointed by the Governor. Each member shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor shall appoint someone other than an elected official, appointed official or employee of the State as Chairperson of the Council.
Membership of the Council shall adhere to the following criteria:
- At least one quarter of the membership of the Council shall be representatives of units or combinations of units of general local government, including those which are prime sponsors, who have been nominated by their chief executive officers.
- One quarter of the membership shall be representatives from organized labor, business and agricultural employers and workers.
- One quarter of the council shall be representatives of the eligible population to be served under the Act and of the general public. At least one half of such representatives should be economically disadvantaged at the time of appointment.
- Not more than one quarter of the council shall be representatives of service deliverers, including: (1) One representative from each of the following: the State Public Employment Service; the State Advisory Council on Vocational Education; the State Board of Vocational Education; the State public assistance agency; any State agency which the Governor believes has an interest in employment and training and human resource utilization within the State; (2) Representatives of community based organizations, veterans organizations, and organizations representative of handicapped individuals.
The Council shall:
- Review continuously the operation of programs conducted by each prime sponsor, and the availability, responsiveness, and adequacy of State services, and make recommendations to the prime sponsors, to agencies providing employment and training services, to the Governor, and to the general public with respect to ways to improve the effectiveness of such programs or services;
- Make an annual report to the Governor which shall be a public document, and issue such other studies, reports or documents as it deems advisable to assist prime sponsors or to otherwise help carry out the purposes of the Act;
- Identify, in coordination with the State Advisory Council on Vocational Education, the employment and training and vocational education needs of the State and assess the extent to which employment and training, vocational education, vocational rehabilitation, public assistance, and other programs assisted under this and related Acts represent a consistent, integrated and coordinated approach to meeting such needs;
- Comment at least once annually on the reports of the State Advisory Council on Vocational Education, which comments shall be included in the annual report submitted by that Council pursuant to section 105 of the Vocational Education Act of 1963;
- Review the comprehensive employment and training plans of prime sponsors pursuant to section 104, especially with respect to nonutilization or duplication of existing services;
- Review plans of all State agencies providing employment, training, and related services, and provide comments and recommendations to the Governor, the State agencies and the appropriate federal agencies on the relevancy and effectiveness of employment and training and related service delivery systems in the State; and
- Participate in the development of the Governor's coordination and special services plan.
The State Employment and Training Council hereby established is within the Department of Social Services for administrative purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, this 7th day of February
[Joseph P. Teasdale's signature]
[James C. Kirkpatrick's signature]
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