Library :: Library Development :: Resources :: MOYAC
Need Some Help? Turn to MOYAC!!
(Missouri Youth and Children)
MOYAC is a moderated discussion list, sponsored by the Missouri State Library, for staff providing children's and young adult services in Missouri public and school libraries.
Missouri youth services providers have long known that networking and sharing information with their colleagues is often the most valuable professional activity they take part in. MOYAC provides that opportunity at your fingertips!
The purpose of MOYAC is two-fold:
To provide an opportunity for discussion about all practical aspects of youth services, including programming, collection development, professional development, outreach services and programs, policy issues, censorship issues, job vacancies, and other current trends and issues.
To serve as a venue to share information about continuing education opportunities, statewide programs, and grant opportunities.
So, members of MOYAC can know when a new call for LSTA and other grants go out, access registration information for the latest State Library-sponsored workshop, and get the latest news about the summer library program and other state programs! Not only that, but when MOYAC members need advice or assistance with planning a new program for toddlers, developing a new policy for unattended children, the best books for beginning a mother-daughter book club, other MOYAC members are there to help!
If you have an e-mail account and provide services to youth in a Missouri public or school library, you are invited to join MOYAC. Just follow these simple directions:
Go to the MOYAC site
Enter the requested information and press Subscribe.
That's it! Shortly after, you will get a message telling you that your request is being forwarded to the list owner for approval. Within 2 working days, you will get your approval and welcome message from Mailman. Save this message! It contains valuable information.
Once you are subscribed, you can post a message to MOYAC members by sending your message to: [email protected].
In order to keep the discussion list effective, please read and abide by the following guidelines.
Guidelines and Disclaimers for the MOYAC Discussion List
- MOYAC membership is limited to staff providing children’s and young adult services in Missouri’s public and school libraries and pertinent Missouri State Library staff.
- All postings must have direct bearing to the mission of MOYAC.
- The list may not be used for commercial activities, including, but not limited to, commercial solicitation by a business/company. The Missouri State Library does not endorse any business/company. Mention of a business/company should be for informational purposes only due to an inquiry.
- Chain letters or calls for mass emails for specific purposes are not allowed.
- Posting a local event is not permitted unless it is open to the entire state of Missouri.
- All postings should include a subject line reflective of the content of the message.
- Subscribers are encouraged to reply to the individual who posted a request or query unless the information is of a nature that would benefit all subscribers.
- Personal replies to an individual should not be sent through MOYAC. Check the header address; personal replies should not be TO: MOYAC
- When responding to a posting, please type your answer at the top of your message, rather than below the original message.
- Avoid attaching documents to postings. Since word processing software varies from library to library, many subscribers will not be able to open your attachment. Also, sending attachments severely clogs up the system while the server makes copies of and distributes an attachment to all list members. Furthermore, and most importantly, attachments can carry potentially devastating viruses, of which senders may not even be aware. Subscribers wishing to mail attachments should obtain addresses of interested parties and email the attachments directly to those individuals and not to the list. The State Library cannot be responsible for damage to hardware, software or operating systems from MOYAC mail that passes through the library's server.
- MOYAC may not be used for any purpose that violates copyright. The Missouri State Library is not responsible for copyright violations.
For more information about MOYAC, please contact Katie Dunne at (573) 522-9564 or [email protected].