Library :: Library Development :: Education
Education for Librarians, Library Staff & Trustees
Missouri State Library
- Missouri Library Training Discussion List: MoLibTraining is a moderated discussion list, sponsored by the Missouri State Library (MOSL). It provides a place for Missouri library staff to discuss continuing education needs and concerns, and share information and resources, as well as providing information from MOSL and MOSL partners about free continuing education experiences for Missouri public, school, academic and special library staffs.
Upcoming Trainings
- Amigos Training Opportunities: A variety of training topics including OCLC, digitization, reference and technical services, management and technology. Some sessions are available free to Amigos members.
- Homeless Training Institute: Online de-escalation training for staff who interact with individuals experiencing homelessness, addiction, or mental illness. Monthly training provided by Ryan Dowd, a former homeless shelter director.
- Library Skills (Continuing Education) A list of free, online continuing education opportunities for library staff from a variety of training providers compiled by the Wyoming State Library.
- MOREnet Training Opportunities: A variety of online and in-person technical training available to MOREnet members. Topics include mobile device use, Google tools, statewide online resources, 3D printing, digital literacy, e-rate, and more.
On-Demand Trainings
- ABLE (Idaho Commission for Libraries): The free, online Alternative Basic Library Education (ABLE) Program provides basic library knowledge and skills for staff members who have no formal education in library science. Courses cover technical services, collection development, and reference.
- Library Learning Online (Idaho Commission for Libraries): Free, online training about serving youth. Courses are for the age groups of early childhood, ages 6 to 12, and young adult.
- OCLC Training: A variety of training for selected OCLC products including FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery, and WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. Users can register for live, instructor-led classes, view course recordings, or watch training videos.
- Project ENABLE: Free training for public, academic or school library staff to gain the knowledge and skills needed to build capacity for providing equitable access and services to patrons with disabilities.
- Public Library Financial Management Resources (Library of Michigan): Includes a guide that covers basic accounting, revenues, expenditures, budgeting, financial reporting, audits, internal controls, and sample budgets and policies. There is also a series of short webinars on financial management topics pertinent to libraries.
- WebJunction: Library-specific self-paced courses and webinars include topics such as customer service, library management, library services, marketing, collections management, technology, staff training and development, programming, youth services, and more. Courses are available for free to all library workers and volunteers across the United States.
Certifications and Degrees
- Library Juice Academy: Certificates are offered through online programs that enable you to gain and show evidence of mastery of a subfield of librarianship, including leadership and management, cataloging and technical services, early childhood literacy, digital curation, and archives administration and management. Online professional development courses for librarians, archivists, and other staff focusing on practical topics to build new skills also are available as stand-alone options.