Library :: Library Certifications :: Trustees
List of Trustees
Please update your list of trustee board members during the annual state aid certification process and as membership changes.
Instructions for Listing of current Trustees
NOTE: State Statute sets Library Board membership for:
City-County libraries at nine (9) members
County libraries at five (5) members
Consolidated libraries with a minimum of at least eight (8) members
Voted-tax Municipal libraries at nine (9) members/City-budget supported number of members varies
Regional libraries, which operate by contractual arrangement between the participating library districts/boards, are determined by their mutual contract.
In addition to the Regional Officers List form, a separate form for each participant library’s board must also be completed.
Members for each type of library board must be identified with the following information:
As President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary or Member as appropriate
Year term expires
As necessary, indicate by name each previous board member who has been replaced by a new trustee
The form must be certified by an Authorized Official by an original signature.
Using the Adobe PDF forms for List of Trustees
- Choose the form depending on the type of library.
- The form may be completed online and printed for signatures.
List of Trustee Forms
Email the forms to [email protected], or FAX the forms to (573) 751-3612
If you have questions or experience difficulty using this site, please call (800) 325-0131.