
Welcome to Wolfner’s Adult Mail and Make Program!

Adult Mail and Make kits are for anyone over the age of 18 that enjoys working on hands on crafts. Kits, supplies, and instructions will be mailed out for four crafts per year. Each craft will have large print instructions with a link to the how-to video.

Ready to sign up?

  1. Register for Wolfner Library Services by visiting our website at, if you have not done so already. Go to the Apply for Services page for access to the eligibility requirements and application.
  2. Complete the Wolfner Adult Mail and Make Program Registration, which can be found at the following LINK.

If you want more details about the program, contact the Adult Services Librarian Jami Livingston at 800-392-2614 or by email at [email protected].

Current Wolfner Library Adult Mail and Make Program


A how-to video for this Mail and Make is available at the following link: Spring 2024 Butterfly Chime