According to RSMo 589.660–589.683 government agencies and the courts shall accept the designated Safe at Home address as the program participant’s address when creating a new public record. The substitute address may be used in place of the participant’s home, work, school or mailing address.
Court or government agency personnel may request verification of program participation by asking for the participant’s authorization card or contacting Safe at Home. A photocopy of the authorization card may be placed in the participant’s agency file and shall serve as confirmation of Safe at Home program participation. According to the Missouri Code of State Regulations (15 CSR 30–70) a court or government agency shall not question the program participant about the details or circumstances of participant's inclusion in the program. Rather, the court or agency shall accept the determination made by the secretary of state’s office that the person is a certified program participant.
Private businesses are not required by statute to accept the Safe at Home designated address. However, private companies or agencies are encouraged to make every effort to keep a participant’s information safe by accepting the substitute address whenever possible.
If agency or business employees have questions about using the substitute address, they may contact Safe at Home at (866) 509-1409 for further assistance.
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