WHEREAS, Section 41.490 RSMo authorizes the Governor to organize from the unorganized militia of Missouri a reserve military force for duty within or without the state to supplement the Missouri national guard or replace it when it is mobilized in federal service; and
WHEREAS, no such reserve military force has yet been organized pursuant to said statute,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHRISTOPHER S. BOND, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of Missouri, hereby order as follows:
The Adjutant General of Missouri shall organize a reserve military force for duty within the state in accordance with the terms of Chapter 41 RSMo, as ordered by the Governor. The Adjutant General shall further prescribe appropriate rules, regulations and organization for the operation and administration of said reserve military force, in accordance with the terms of Chapter 41 RSMo, as ordered by the Governor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson on this 8th day of September, 1982.
[Christopher S. Bond's signature]
[James Kirkpatrick's signature]
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