Missouri Digital Heritage :: Collections :: County Records on Microfilm :: Description of Record Series

Description of Record Series

The following county and municipal record series descriptions have been included to broadly define descriptions used in the microfilm finding aids and the County and Municipal Records Database. The series are arranged by office and reflect the statutory duties of each county official.

Recorder of Deeds

Deeds: Transcript of deeds conveying real property. Includes names of grantors and grantees, descriptions and locations of properties, payments, dates of transfer and filing, acknowledgments, and certifications of recorder. Deeds include warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, sheriff's deeds, guardians' deeds, administrators' and executors' deeds, railroad deeds, miscellaneous deeds, deeds of trust, and deeds of release. Arranged chronologically by date filed.  Some counties may use more than one book simultaneously and divide books by deed type.

Note: Exceptions to real property also filed with deeds include slave transfers, adoptions, and leases.

Administrators' Deeds: Records of appraisals and property sales of deceased or incapacitated persons by administrators, giving names, date of appraisement and sale, consideration, description of property, authority to sell, name of administrator, date and time filed, and certifications.

Quitclaim Deeds: Record of transfers of interest in or title to real property without warranting clear title, showing dates, names of grantors and grantees, considerations, descriptions and locations of properties, signatures of grantor(s), acknowledgments, dates filed, and certifications.

Sheriff's Deeds: Deeds to real property sold by sheriff at public auction, showing dates and places of sales, descriptions and locations of properties, considerations, grantees, and parties to execution, acknowledgments, dates filed, and certifications.

Trust Deeds: Records of conveyances of real estate to a trustee as security (mortgages) for the repayment of money loaned, showing dates; names of grantors, grantees, trustees, and beneficiaries; descriptions and amounts of notes; descriptions and locations of properties; terms of instruments; maturities; acknowledgments; dates filed; and certifications. See also: mortgages.

Warranty Deeds: Records of deeds conveying and warranting clear title to real property, showing dates, names of grantors and grantees, considerations, descriptions and locations of properties, signatures of grantor(s), acknowledgments, dates filed, and certifications.

Index to Deeds: Indexes are organized by names of the grantors and grantees and include the volume and page number where records are recorded.  Abstracts also include dates and nature of instruments, consideration(s), description(s) of property, dates filed. Deeds include warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, sheriff's deeds, guardians' deeds, administrators' and executors' deeds, railroad deeds, miscellaneous deeds, deeds of trust, and deeds of release.  Also called Abstract and Index to Deeds.

Direct Index: Arranged alphabetically by the surname of the grantor (seller).

Indirect Index: Arranged alphabetically by the surname of the grantee (buyer).

Marriage Records: Record of marriages performed, giving names and residence of contracting parties, date of marriage, signature of party officiating, date of filing, and certificate of recorder. Arranged chronologically by date filed. Parental consent is noted for parties under age, but the name of the parent consenting is rarely given. Records may include marriage licenses and certificates of marriage. Marriage records in some counties were also recorded in separate books by race.

Index to Marriage Records: Gives names of contracting parties, date filed, volume and page where recorded. May include license number for later years. Usually arranged alphabetically by surname of groom and then alphabetically by surname of bride.

Applications for Marriage Licenses: Applications for license to marry, showing date, names, residences, and ages of contracting parties, consent of parent or guardian of minor, and signatures of applicants.

Register of Marriage Licenses: Record of certificates of marriages performed and marriage licenses issued and returns on same, giving names, ages, witnesses, person officiating, residences of both parties, name and residence of parent or guardian, and date and place of ceremony. Arranged chronologically.

Record of Marriages Solemnized: Record of marriages of persons of color, previously held as slaves in the State of Missouri prior to 1865 who lived as husband and wife. Recorded after the end of slavery, the record gives names of the parties, certificate of officer, names of living children and of descendants of deceased children of the parties born before the ceremony of marriage, and date recorded. Arranged chronologically by date filed and usually indexed within the volume. Also called Marriages – Negro or Colored.  Other post-1865 marriages are not generally organized by race and would all be located with Marriage Records. 

Judges and Justices of the Peace often record marriages performed in records of marriages solemnized books.  See Justice of the Peace Marriage and Circuit and Probate Judge Marriages.

Note: The law allowing couples to legitimize their children after they are married remains a law and so records listing children of a union may be included in later marriage records, or sometimes added to a Record of Marriages Solemnized book.

Military Discharge Records: Record of certification of discharge from the armed services giving name, enlistment record, date and reason for discharge, physical description, places of residence and service, name of commanding officer, date of filing, and certificate of recorder. These copies are voluntarily filed by the veteran.  Official records are held by the Department of Defense/National Archives or the Missouri Office of Adjutant General. Arranged chronologically by date filed.

Mortgage Records: Record of direct conveyances of real estate from debtors to creditors to secure the payment of indebtedness and giving grantee the power to sell in the event of default. Showing names of grantor and grantee, date of instrument, amount of debt secured and how evidenced, date of maturity, terms and conditions of sale, disposition of proceeds, acknowledgment of grantor, date and time of filing, if satisfied by payment or quitclaim, signature of payee and acknowledgment and certification by recorder. Arranged chronologically.

Note: Exists as a separate record in some counties; within trust deeds in other counties.

Index to Mortgages:  Indexes to mortgage records, showing name of mortgagor and mortgagee, serial number, nature and date of instrument, dates filed and recorded, amount of debt, and date and manner of satisfaction.

Direct Index: Arranged alphabetically by the surname of the mortgagor.

Indirect Index: Arranged alphabetically by the surname of the mortgagee.

Chattel Mortgages: Original mortgages covering personal property filed with recorder, showing serial number, date, names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description of property, amount and conditions of note, maturity, signatures of mortgagor and recorder, and date and time filed. Now known as UCC (Uniform Commercial Code). After 1963 these records are filed with the Secretary of State. (S.B. 2, Laws, 1963, p.503)

School Fund Mortgages: Record of mortgages given to secure repayment of money loaned from school funds for Section 16 Lands, showing date of instrument, names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description and location of property, amount and terms of loan maturity, rate of interest, names of witnesses, statutory acknowledgment, date and time filed, and certificate of recorder.

Plat Books: Plat books show the physical locations of land in the county by section/township/range, in towns and cities by lot and block numbers or addition subdivisions.  Plats may include name of owner, road and school district in which located, number of acres, dimensions of tract or lot, and survey number. Created by the county surveyor to be filed with the Recorder of Deeds.  They can also be found with the County Clerk or Surveyor’s Office.

Surveyors Records: Field notes and plats made by the county surveyor. Shows number and date of survey; for whom made; chainmen sworn; points established; section, township, range, and principal meridian numbers; signature and seal of presiding judge; attestation by county clerk; date recorded, and signature of recorder. Arranged chronologically. Created by the county surveyor and found with the Recorder of Deeds, County Clerk or Surveyor’s Office.

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County Clerk

The records listed below are the most common records found in the County’s Office.  Additional records can be found as well. 

Assessment Records: See County Assessor.

Birth and Death Records: Pre-1910 birth and death records filed with the county clerk.  When available these records will be indexed in the Pre-1910 Birth and Death database.

Permanent Record of Births: A permanent record of births, giving the name of child, date and place of birth, sex, and race; nationality, residence, and ages of parents, occupation and name of father, maiden name of mother, name and address of medical or other attendant making return; in case of stillbirth, name of undertaker and place of burial. Arranged alphabetically by surname of the child.

Register of Births and Stillbirths: A register of births and stillbirths, giving name of child, date and place of birth, sex, and race; nationality, residence, and ages of parents, occupation and name of father, maiden name of mother, name and address of medical or other attendant making return; in case of stillbirth, name of undertaker and place of burial. Arranged chronologically by date filed.

Permanent Record of Deaths: A permanent record of death, giving date of report, name, sex, race, age, occupation, marital status, nationality, birthplace; date, place, and cause of death; date and place of burial, addresses of undertaker, physician returning certificate. Arranged alphabetically by surname of deceased.

Register of Deaths: A record showing date of report, name, sex, race, age, occupation, marital status, nationality, birthplace; date, place, and cause of death; date and place of burial, addresses of undertaker, physician returning certificate. Arranged chronologically by date filed.

Boards and Commissions

Board of Health Records: Records of the County Board of Health, including quarantine records, notices of attending patients, list of physicians in the county, minutes of the County Board of Health, and medical pamphlets. Arranged in chronological order.

Building Commission Records: Records and reports containing information and regulations of building codes, regulation and licensing of contractors and tradesmen, permits and licenses.

County Textbook Commission: Includes records kept in conformity with County Uniformity Textbook Law, Session Act 1907. Indicates members of commission, by whom appointed, beginning and ending dates of term. Also includes official list of books adopted for use in the county schools with the following information: author, title, publisher, price, date adopted, and date adoption expires. Minutes of commission meetings are included.

Bond and Commission Records: Record of commissions issued and bonds given by public officials. Gives date of commission; title of office; term; name of issuing officer; date and copy of oath; date, amount, and condition of bond; names of principal and sureties; signatures of presiding judge and county clerk. Arranged chronologically by date of filing.

County Court/County Commission Records: Record of proceedings/minutes of the county court/county commission, showing date and place of meeting, names of officials present, actions taken on all county business, adjournment, signature of presiding judge. Arranged chronologically by date of meeting.

Note: County Court Records and Minutes are assigned to the record series “minutes” in the County and Municipal Records Database.

County Treasurer's Records: May include any records kept by the county treasurer as required by law. Treasurer’s records are generally not permanent.  Records may include cash books, treasurer's ledgers, accounts with banks, returned checks, bond records, records of revenue collected, township school funds, school bond records, treasurer's apportionment records, treasurer's road fund records, fees and costs.

Drainage District Records: Records maintained by a drainage district noting where problems occurred, court orders for improvements, proceedings, and actions taken. Includes dates and possibly contracts. Arranged chronologically. Also called ditch records.

Estray Records: Record of stray livestock taken up. Gives oath of finder, date taken up and where, name of township, type of animal, marks and descriptions, date of affidavit, certificate of appraisers, appraised value, proof of publication, names of finder and appraiser, signature of justice of the peace. Arranged chronologically by date filed.

Farm Name Registers: Chronological register of farm names, indicating name of owner, registered name of farm, and legal land description of farm.

Federal Relief Records: Administrative papers pertaining to the work of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, a federal relief organization, in Missouri. The papers include applications, reports, and instructions for implementing the programs.

Forfeited Lists: A list of lands and town lots against which judgment was rendered by the County Court for taxes, interests, and costs due thereon as stated, and which were exposed to public sale according to law, and, for want of bidders, were then forfeited to the State for nonpayment of taxes; and the records of all sales, redemptions, and subsequent proceedings related thereto. Includes name, quantity of land and legal land description, years for which taxes are due, valuation, taxes due certain funds, interest to date of judgment, sale or redemption. Can also be found in the County Collector’s Office.

Loyalty Oaths: Series of questions answered under oath. The oaths were administered under the Missouri Constitution of 1865 ("Drake Constitution"), and designed to determine where a person's loyalty had been during the Civil War. The questions concerned personal background information and activities during the war years.

Poll Road Tax Books: Record indicating district, township, and section numbers in an account book kept by the road overseer, showing name, date and manner of payment (labor or fine).

Professional Licenses: Records of professional licenses required to be filed with the county clerk. Depending on the time period and state law, these may be a duplicate of records filed with a state board, or they may only have been created at the county level.

Chiropractic Licenses: Record of licensed chiropractors with certificates issued by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Shows name, date filed for record, signature of deputy clerk, and signature of circuit court clerk. Arranged chronologically.

Dentist Licenses: Records of certificates issued by the State Board of Dental Examiners, indicating name of person practicing, county of residence, diploma received, name of school or university granting diploma, date, names of examiners. Arranged chronologically.

Embalmers Licenses: Record of licensed embalmers, indicating name and date of license, and signatures of State Board of Examiners. Arranged chronologically.

Nurses and Attendants Licenses: Register of licenses indicating name, residence, date and place of birth, license number, date of license, date registered, and remarks. Arranged alphabetically.

Pharmacist Licenses: Certificates issued by the State Board of Pharmacy, indicating name of person performing duties of pharmacist, stating that evidence of qualification was submitted to State Board, date the certificate was issued, names of commissioners, signature of county clerk. Arranged chronologically.

Public Relief Records: Record of commitments to county institutions, such as county poor farms, almshouse, etc., indicating name of institution and the following information: name of resident, date of order from court to commit, date of admission, date of discharge/furlough/release, date of return, remarks. These records are primarily pre-1940. Arranged chronologically. Also called Ward Records. 

Record of Marks and Brands: Complete record of marks and brands for livestock. Gives name and address of owner, description of brand or mark, filing date and signature of clerk of county court. Arranged chronologically by date filed. Records filed with the Department of Agriculture as of 1971 (H.B. 134, Laws, 1971, p. 301).

Right-of-Way Records: Transcript of instruments releasing and quitclaiming to the State right-of-way for State roads. Shows date; name of grantor; the State of Missouri as grantee; description of land by section, township, and range number; range and road district numbers; signature of grantor; acknowledgment; date filed; recorder's certificate. Arranged chronologically.

Road Contracts and Specifications: Estimates from the Missouri State Highway Department regarding the construction or repair of roads. Includes specifications for job, definitions of terms, bid instructions, and general provisions. Arranged chronologically.

Road Records: Petitions for the development of new roads, indicating description of planned road, name and township of persons signing petition, date. Includes orders for survey, reports of Commissioners of Roads; survey notes including marks of survey, course, distance, township/range maps. Also includes appointment of commissioners to assess damage, notes, oaths, date of report. Arranged chronologically.

School Enumeration Records: Enumeration record indicating name of parent/guardian, post office address, name of student, sex, date of birth, age when enumeration taken.

Selective Service Records: An alphabetical record indicating registration number by local board; name, address, occupation, date of birth; date of induction and where, branch of services, military serial number; nearest relative or friend, classification and reason for exemption.

Special District Records: Working papers of water supply, sewer, fire or library districts including maps of the district, working papers for equipment, studies, minutes of meetings, contracts, correspondence, and financial statements. Arranged chronologically.

Special Execution Record: A list of lands and town lots against which judgment was rendered by the County Court, which were ordered to be sold, according to law, for taxes, interest, penalties, and costs due. Gives name, quantity, description of property sold, years for which taxes are due, taxes due to certain funds, total interest to date of judgment, costs. Also includes name to whom sold and quantity sold; redemption by whom, date, amount paid; and deeded to whom. Indicates carried to forfeited list, and book and page where recorded. Arranged chronologically. Also called Judgment Books.

Note: In the County and Municipal Database these are assigned to the record series tax books.

State Censuses: Taken every four years between 1824 and 1876, state censuses list name, sex, race, occupation, and nativity. Arrangement is often by Township and range or political township. State censuses can also be found with the Secretary of State and may be indexed in the Census Records and Tax Lists Database.  

Surveyors Records: Field notes and plats made by the county surveyor. Shows number and date of survey; for whom made; chainmen sworn; points established; section, township, range, and principal meridian numbers; signature and seal of presiding judge; attestation by county clerk; date recorded, and signature of recorder. Arranged chronologically. Created by the county surveyor and to be filed with the Recorder of Deeds, but often found in the County Clerk’s or Surveyor’s Office.

Swamp Land Records: An abstract of declaratory statements of settlers on swamp and overflowed lands, indicating name of settler, date of filing, date of settlement, parts of section, legal land description, paid or due. Arranged chronologically.

Tax books: See County Collector and Special Execution Records.

Warrant Register: Ledger book of distributions made by the County Court. Includes name of person paid and amount. There is no indication of transaction purpose. These are generally not permanent records. Arranged chronologically.

Wolf Scalp Receipts: Record of bounties paid on wolf scalps, showing date, by whom, number presented, amount of bounty paid, to whom, date or term of court when paid. Arranged chronologically by date filed.

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Circuit Court Clerk

Circuit Courts may include various sub-courts depending on the time periods.  Sub-courts include Criminal Courts, Court of Common Pleas, Chancery Courts, Territorial General Courts, Territorial Oyers and Terminer Courts, Law Courts, Land Courts, etc.  Unless noted otherwise, the records listed below can exist for all circuit courts.

Probate Court records are listed under Probate Clerk.

Case Files may be indexed in the Judicial Records Database and other records may be available through the County and Municipal Database, where circuit court books, including sub-courts, will be assigned to the Record Series “Court Books.”

Abstract of Circuit Court Record: Abstract of civil and criminal cases in circuit court. Gives number of case, names of parties, type of action, pleadings, motions, judgments rendered, book and page where recorded. Arranged numerically by case number.

Case Files: Original files of cases tried before the court.  Records includes petitions, briefs, motions, orders and judgments. Arrangement varies by county. Case Files may be indexed in the Judicial Records Database 

Indexes to Case Files: Alphabetical index for all circuit court cases filed. Gives date filed, term of court, names of plaintiff and defendant, case number and where filed. Arranged alphabetically; Civil cases by name of plaintiff and criminal cases by name of defendant.

Circuit Court Minutes: Proceedings noted at sessions of the circuit court. Includes date, officials in attendance, style and number of the case, proceedings, adjournment. Arranged chronologically.

Circuit Court Record Books: Permanent record of proceedings of circuit court cases. Includes terms of court, date, officials in attendance, number and style of case, detailed statement in formal language of any proceedings, motions, judgments, actions taken, adjournment. Arranged chronologically.

Direct and Indirect Indexes to Circuit Court Record: Index gives names of parties, number of case, term of court, date, volume, and page where recorded. Plaintiff and defendant names are arranged alphabetically.

Circuit Judge Marriages: Records of marriages performed by a judge of the circuit court.  Contains names of parties, residence, date of ceremony, name of the justice. Not the official marriage record, which is held by the Recorder of Deeds. Also known as marriage solemnizations. Arranged chronologically.

General Direct Index: Abstract of and alphabetical index to circuit court civil case records and files. Contains references to case files, circuit court record, order of publication, divorces, adoption record. Gives case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, date and cause of action, final disposition, volume and page where proceedings and fees are recorded, and designation of location where files are maintained. Arranged alphabetically by surname of plaintiff.

Judgment Docket: Record of all judgments rendered in circuit court. Gives date, style and number of case, in whose favor and against whom rendered, amount of judgment, book and page where recorded. Arranged chronologically.

Index to Judgment Docket: Alphabetical index to judgment docket. Gives date, name of judgment debtor, number of case, volume and page where recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of judgment debtor.

Naturalization Records: Naturalization Records are indexed in the Naturalization Records Database when available.

Index to Naturalizations: Indexes will point to a volume and page number or certificate number.  Indexes may exist for separate naturalization volumes or to naturalization records filed in circuit court record books. 

Declaration of Intention: Original declarations of intention to become a citizen of the United States, filed in circuit court by foreign-born persons. Gives name of applicant, nativity, oath of allegiances, and signatures of declarant and circuit clerk. In some instances, records may include age, personal description, occupation, place and date of birth, race, present address, point of emigration, name of vessel, last foreign residence, and date and port of arrival. Arranged chronologically. Also called 1st Papers. Records may be bound volumes or loose papers.

Petitions for Citizenship/Naturalization: Petitions for foreign-born persons to be admitted as citizens of the United States. Gives name of petitioner, residence, original nativity, date of petition, signature of petitioner, and circuit court's action. In some instances, records may include occupation, date and place of birth, point of emigration, date and port of arrival, name of vessel, date and place of filing original declaration, marital status (if married, gives wife's name, place of birth, and residence, as well as number of children, date and place of birth, and residence of each), oath of allegiance, time of residence in the United States, and certificate of Department of Labor. Also called 2nd papers. Records may be bound volumes or loose papers.

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Probate Court Clerk

The Probate Court is a sub-court of the Circuit Court with unique and voluminous records.

Estate Files may be indexed in the Judicial Records Database and other records may be available through the County and Municipal Records Database, where all probate court books will be assigned to the Record Series “Probate Books.”

Relevant Definitions (From Black’s Law Dictionary):

Administrator/Administratrix:  A person to whom letters of administration have been granted by the court.  They resemble an executor, but, being appointed by the court, and not by the deceased, they have to give security for the due administration of the estate, by entering into a bond with sureties.

Executor/Executrix: A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in their will, and to dispose of the property according to their testamentary provisions after their death. 

Testator/Testatrix: A person who makes or has made a testament or will.

Abstract of Allowances/Claims: Probate record indicating name of estate, name of claimant, date, where recorded, class number, amount claimed. Arranged chronologically.

Abstract of Demands: Abstract of claims and demands allowed against estates of deceased person. Gives name and number of the estate, name of claimant, date allowed, class, and amount. Arranged chronologically. Also called Estate and Claim Docket.

Index to Abstract of Demands: Alphabetical index gives name of estate, book and page where recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Application for Appointment as Guardian or Curator: Record of applications for appointment as guardian or curator of minor and incapacitated persons, giving name of applicant, name, age and residence of ward, estimated value of their real and personal estimated property, names of parents, whether living or dead, dates of application and appointment, name of probate judge. Arranged chronologically.

Application for Letters and Bonds/Administrators' And Executors' Letters: Record of applications for letters of administration and letters testamentary, giving name of decedent, date of death, names, residences and relationship of heirs-at-law, legatees and devisees, appointment of administrator or executor, date appointed, names of witnesses to inventory, bond and oath of person so appointed, names of principal and sureties, date of oath and execution of bond, signature of probate judge, date of filing. Arranged chronologically.

Appointments and Bonds of Administrators (Will Annexed and De Bonis Non): Record of appointments by the probate court of persons other than those named as executors and of persons to complete administration of estates which had not been fully administered. Gives name of deceased, number of estate, date and reason for appointment, name of appointee, authorization to administer estate, signature of clerk, seal of court; oath and bond of appointee, showing names of principal and sureties, amount, approval by court, and dates of execution and filing. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Appointments of Guardian or Curator: Record of appointments of guardians and curators of minors and incapacitated persons. Gives term of court, name, age, and residence of ward; name and address of guardian or curator, date of appointment, amount of bond, names of sureties, date approved by probate court, and name of probate judge. Arranged chronologically.

Bonds of Administrators and Executors: Record of bonds and oaths filed. Gives name of principal and surety, amount and conditions, date of approval, name of probate clerk, and date filed. Arranged chronologically.

Bonds of Guardians and Curators: Original bonds and oaths of guardians and curators. Gives name of principal and surety, amount and conditions, date of approval, name of probate clerk, date filed. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.


Probate Court Docket: Record of all cases to come before the probate court. Gives name and number of estate, date letters granted or appointments made, matter before the court, service had or orders made at last term, list of settlements due, and orders entered at current term. Arranged chronologically.

Settlement Docket: Term docket of settlements by administrators, executors, guardians, or curators. Gives name and number of estate, date filed, name of person appointed to administer estate, number of settlements and date of each, order of court, and name of attorney. Arranged chronologically by date of settlement.

Execution Docket: Probate record indicating name of estate and administrator/guardian/executor, date and amount of judgment, amount of execution, executions issued, to whom delivered, to whom cost assigned, officer's returns, and remarks. Arranged chronologically

Perpetual Docket: Probate record indicating name of estate, date of appointment, and name of administrator, executor, or guardian appointed. Arranged chronologically.

Estate Files: Original files in the administration of estates, containing applications for letters (testamentary, of administration, or of guardianship), bonds and oaths of persons appointed, settlements, claims allowed or rejected, other papers in probate matters assembled in separate folders under names of estate. Arranged chronologically, or numerically by estate number. Also called Probate Papers or Case Files. Estate Files may be indexed in the Judicial Records Database.

Index to Estate Files: Alphabetical index to probate court files. Gives name and number of the estate, name of person appointed to administer estate, dates of appointment and discharge, location of files. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Executors' Bonds and Letters Testamentary: Record of letters testamentary. Gives name of deceased testator, number of the estate, name of person appointed executor, date of appointment, signature of probate judge or clerk and seal of court, oath of appointees; bond to the State of Missouri, showing date of executor and sureties, amount, conditions, approval, and date recorded. Arranged chronologically.

General Index to Probate Court Records: Numerical index to and abstract of estates. Index contains citations to Estate Files, Probate Court Record, Executors Bonds, Letters Testamentary, Inventories, Sale Bills, and Guardian and Curator Appointments. Gives name and number of estate, term, date, nature of proceedings, court orders, volume and page where recorded, date filed. Arranged numerically by estate number.

Guardians' and Curators' Inventory and Appraisement: Record of guardians' and curators' inventory and appraisement of all property belonging to estates of minors and incapacitated persons. Gives name of ward, number of estate, name and affidavit of guardian or curator, oath of witnesses and appraisers, appraised valuation, and date filed. Arranged chronologically.

Index to Guardians' and Curators' Inventory and Appraisement: Alphabetical index to inventory and appraisement record. Gives name of estate, guardian or curator, book and page where recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Guardians' and Curators' Settlement Record: Record of settlements filed in estates of minors and incapacitated persons. Gives name of guardian or curator, number and name of estate, term of court, date, balance at last settlement, amount of receipts and disbursements, balance on hand, affidavit of guardian or curator, name of probate judge, date filed. Arranged chronologically by term of court.

Index to Guardians' and Curators' Settlement Record: Alphabetical index to settlement record. Gives name and number of estate, name of guardian or curator, book and page where recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Guardianship Files: Probate records for estates of minors and incapacitated persons administered by the probate court. Indicates date, name of estate, name of judge and clerk, complete transcript of motions filed, record of proceedings, and actions taken. Arranged chronologically.

Index to Record of Administrators, Executors, And Guardians: Alphabetical index giving name of estate, name of administrator, executor, guardian, or curator, book and page where recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Inheritance Tax: Probate order setting date to appoint appraiser to determine market value of property or interest due therein in case of transfer of the property which is subject to payment of estate taxes. Indicates date, name of estate, administrator/executor. Arranged chronologically.

Inventory and Appraisement Record: Record of inventory and appraisement of all real and personal property belonging to estates of decedents, giving description and appraised value of property, date of inventory and appraisal, names and oaths of witnesses to inventory, appraisers and executor or administrator, date filed for record, and signature of probate judge. Arranged chronologically. Also called Executor and Administrator Inventories, Certificates and Affidavits; Record of Inventories, Appraisements, Bill of Sale; or Journal.

Letters of Administration/Administrators' Bonds and Letters: Record of letters of administration granted. Gives number of estate, name of decedent and last residence, name of administrator, date appointed, names of witnesses for inventory, signature of clerk and seal of court; amount, date, and conditions of bond, names of principal and sureties, dates approved and recorded. Arranged chronologically.

Probate Court Record: Complete record of all proceedings in estates administered in probate court. Gives term, date, name and number of estate, nature of proceedings or order made, and signature of probate judge. Arranged chronologically.

Index to Probate Court Record: Alphabetical index showing name and number of estate, volume and page where entry is recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Probate Judge Marriages: Records of marriages performed by a judge of the probate court.  Contains names of parties, residence, date of ceremony, name of the justice. Not the official marriage record, which is held by the Recorder of Deeds. Also known as marriage solemnizations. Arranged chronologically.

Probate Minute Book: Memoranda of proceedings of the probate court noted at sessions and later transferred to Probate Court Record. Gives term, date of session, name and number of estate; name of executor, administrator, guardian, or curator; business transacted and signature of probate judge. Arranged chronologically.

Probate Register: Register of estate including: register number and name of estate; administrator, executor, or guardian; will probated and where recorded; bonds; date of letters and where recorded; inventories; legal notices, affidavits, pleadings, motions; orders, decrees, reports; settlements; judgments and claims; miscellaneous information. Arranged chronologically.

Publication Records:

Notices of Administrators, Executors, And Guardians: Record of notices published pertaining to administration of estates, including notice of letters by executors and administrators of all types, public administrators' notice of taking charge of estates. Gives number of estate, name of decedent, date of appointment, name and designation of representative, attestation by judge or clerk, term of court at which final settlement will be made, date of notice, copy of docket showing dates on which settlements are due, affidavit of publisher showing date and name of newspaper in which published. Arranged chronologically.

Notice of Appointment: Record of notices of appointment of administrators, executors, guardians, and curators with proof of publication. Gives name of estate, date of appointment, affidavit of publisher of newspaper in which published, giving dates and number of issues in which notice appeared. Arranged chronologically.

Notice of Final Settlement: Record of notices published of intention to file a final settlement of estate by administrator or executor. Gives name of estate, date to be filed, affidavit of publisher, name of newspaper, and dates of publication. Arranged chronologically.

Orders of Publication: Petitions by administrators or executors of estates for order of sale of real estate to pay debts or legacies. Gives name and number of estate, date and term of court, name of administrator, dates of petition and order of publication, affidavit of publisher, giving name of newspaper and dates of publication of notice of sale. Arranged alphabetically by name of deceased, or chronologically by date of order.

Record of Decedents: Record of estates on which letters of administration and letters testamentary have been issued. Includes name of decedent, date and place of death, date of letters, estimated value of real and personal property, value of real and personal property as shown by inventory, heirs at large (names and residence), legatees and devisees, estimated value of real estate, total value of legacy, amount of tax, and amount of receipt. Arranged chronologically.

Record of Wills: Record of wills probated, giving name of testator, provisions of will, signature of witnesses, certificate of probate signed by probate judge. Arranged chronologically.

Sale Bill Record: Record of sale clerk's accounts of sales of personal property belonging to estates filed by executor or administrator. Gives name and number of the estate, date of order, date and place of sale, articles sold, to whom, sale price of each, name of sale clerk, date report filed. Arranged chronologically. Also called Public Sale of Personal Property; Private Sale of Personal Property; Account of Sale.  Sometimes included in Inventory and Appraisement Records.

Settlement Record/Administrator and Executor Settlements: Record of semiannual, annual, and final settlements of estate administered in probate court. Gives name of estate, executor or administrator, guardian or curator, number of voucher, total debits and credits, balance due estate or distribution made, affidavit of person making settlement, name of probate clerk, date filed. Arranged chronologically by term of court.

Index to Settlement Record: Alphabetical index to settlement records, giving name of estate, date of settlement, book and page where recorded. Arranged alphabetically by name of estate.

Wills: Original wills filed for probate. Gives name and residence of testator, provisions of will, names of legatees and devisees, provisions of will, name of executor, and attestation of witnesses. Arranged chronologically.

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Justice of the Peace

Justice of the Peace Dockets: Record book indicating style of case, date, proceedings of the court, and actions taken. Arranged chronologically.

Justice of the Peace Records: Record indicating actions heard by the Justice of the Peace. Includes parties to action, attorneys, nature of proceedings, justice fees, constable fees, witness and juror fees, record of proceedings, actions taken, and township and county where located. Arranged chronologically.

Justice of the Peace Marriages: Records of marriages performed by a justice of the peace.  Contains names of parties, residence, date of ceremony, name of the justice. Not the official marriage record, which is held by the Recorder of Deeds. Justice of the Peace marriages are to be filed in the County Clerk’s Office, but are also found in the Circuit Clerk’s Office. Arranged chronologically.

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County Superintendent of Schools

Beginning in 1965 the office county superintendent of schools could be abolished (Laws, 1965, p. 311) and in 1979 the records were officially transferred to the county clerk (Laws, 1979, p348

Attendance records: Record of pupil attendance, giving name of student and number of days attending class; daily program of activities; pupil data, including names of parents; enrollment figures.

County Superintendent Records: These records may include school directories, organization of school districts, family census records, teachers permanent records, records of school business, expense accounts, reports of county superintendents to State Superintendent, State Department high school reports, rural and high school district reports to county and state superintendents, teachers' tenure records, teachers' examinations grades, examination and certificate records, transcripts and health certificates of teachers, State Teachers Association members, permanent record card of pupils, delinquent record card, transfer cards, enrollment cards, and lists of graduates.

District Records: Records maintained by individual school districts, which include the following types of information: record of attendance, with the name and daily attendance of each student; record of standing and classification, with name, subject, and earned grade, with individual recommendations and remarks; record of annual and special meetings of the school board, with minutes of business conducted; financial records; teacher term reports, with statistics regarding sex, age, race, as well as teacher information regarding college hours attained, and experience. Arranged chronologically by school district.

Board of Education Records: Record of board proceedings and decisions regarding school district business. Includes appointments, financial records and statements; teachers employed, name, grade of certificate, school term, salary; township clerk's report to superintendent. Arranged chronologically.

District Clerk Records: Records kept by the clerk of the school district, including proceedings of annual school board meetings, school expenses, names of taxpayers, teacher contracts, and financial statements.

School Census Cards: Index cards taken for school enumeration records. Indicates name of child, date and place of birth, full name of father, full name and maiden name of mother, sex and race of child, name of school attended, year, and grade attained. Arranged alphabetically.

School Enumeration Records: Enumeration record indicating name of parent/guardian, post office address, name of student, sex, date of birth, age when enumeration taken.

School Register: Register of students, indicating name, names of parents/guardians, race, and sex.

Teacher Institutes: Record of teachers' institutes held, indicating date and place; name, address, and teaching information about teacher attending; days attended institute. Also includes minutes and records of institute.

Teacher Reports: Reports indicating names of students and addresses, textbooks used, attendance records, and grades.

Visitation Records: Records indicating district number and name of school; assessed valuation and levy; school officers, addresses; school teachers, salary; questions regarding teacher, methods of teaching, and subjects taught; enrollment figures; building and out-building conditions; equipment inventory; library inventory and suitability of materials; memoranda.

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Office of County Collector

Versions of the records of the County Collector may be held by the County Assessor or the County Clerk.

In the County and Municipal Records Database, all records from the Collector will be assigned to the record series category “Tax Books.”

Real Estate Taxes: Records of taxes against real estate, showing name of owner (original and present), number of acres, legal land description, improved and unimproved land, amounts of various state and county levies, original valuation by assessor and as adjusted by boards of equalization, total amount to tax, date. Arrangement varies, but may be alphabetically, by township or range or by an assigned numbering system. Note: Also called Land Taxes or Land Assessments.

Personal Property Taxes: Records of taxes for personal property, showing name of owner, index to real estate, livestock, slaves, description of equipment and business buildings, all other personal property that is taxable, total valuation by the assessor, taxes for state, county, road, railroad, school, etc, and remarks.  Generally arranged alphabetically. Also called Personalty Taxes.

Delinquent Taxes: Record of delinquent land and personal property taxes.  Includes name, land description, valuation, taxes due, interest, date of judgement, penalty, date of payment/redemption and any remarks.  Also called Back Taxes.

Special Execution Record: See County Clerk

School Taxes: Indicates name, acres owned, subdivision, legal land description, valuation, all other personal property, total aggregate, school tax, and remarks. Arranged chronologically.

Manufacturers/Merchant Taxes: Record of fees paid by businesses to operate.  May include ferry, dram shop, liquor, mining, corporations, and hotels. Arranged chronologically.  Similar licenses may also be found in the City and County Clerk’s Offices.

Special Taxes: Taxes other than county/state taxes that are sometimes recorded separately.  Includes school, railroad, drainage, levee, water, sewer, library, and dog. Arranged alphabetically.

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Office of the County Assessor

Records of the County Assessor can also be found with the County Collector or the County Clerk.

In the County and Municipal Records Database, all records from the Assessor will be assigned to the record series category “Tax Books.”

Assessment records: Real and Personal Property assessments indicate to whom assessed, total valuation by assessor; taxes for state, county, road, and railroad; and remarks.

Real Estate Assessment Records: Records of assessments against real estate, showing name of owner (original and present), name of agent, number of acres, legal land description, improved and unimproved land, non-residents, amounts of various state and county levies, original valuation by assessor and as adjusted by boards of equalization, total amount to tax, date assessed, affidavit by county. Arrangement varies, but may be alphabetically, by township or range or by an assigned numbering system. Also called Land Assessments or Land Taxes.

Personal Property Assessment Records: Records of assessments against personal property, showing name of owner, index to real estate, livestock, slaves, equipment, all other personal property that is taxable, total valuation by the assessor, taxes for state, county, road, railroad, school, etc., and remarks.  Generally arranged alphabetically.

Property Assessment Records (Erroneous): Records indicating claims of errors in assessing taxes. Includes name of claimant, nature of error, court's findings and judgment, date, and tax abatement distribution. Arranged by year.

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Municipal Records

Annual Reports: Reports concerning operations of the institution or office, delivered each fiscal year. Reports include receipts, expenditures, statistics, financial reports. Arranged chronologically.

Boards, Commissions, and Committees Records: Includes minutes, reports, correspondence, and other files pertaining to boards, commissions or committees established by the municipality. Arranged chronologically.

Building Commission Files: Records and reports containing information and regulations of building codes, regulation and licensing of contractors and tradesmen, permits and licenses.

Planning and Zoning Commission Records: Application forms indicating name of applicant and development site with legal description. Also includes affidavit of publication, notice of public hearing, correspondence, and other administrative papers.

Cemetery Maps and Plats: Consists of maps and plats showing detailed drawings of each section of the city cemetery surveyed. May also include worksheet of plats designating exact location of grave plots.

Cemetery Registers: Consists of books kept in ledger form, showing all lots with plat location, name of purchaser, deed number, price of lot, and date of purchase.

City Censuses: Listing of residents within a particular city or town. Indicates name, sex, race, occupation, and nativity. Sometimes arranged in alphabetical order. City Censuses, also called Special Censuses, are required to be filed with the Secretary of State (RSMo 71.170), and are commonly abstracts only. All special censuses filed with the Secretary of State that include names are indexed in the Census Records and Tax List Database.  

Missouri State Archives Special Census Enumerations Finding Aid (RG 5.14)

City Charters:  Includes the constitution and by-laws of the city, for those municipalities authorized and approved for charter forms of government. Also includes charter amendments. City Charters are required to be filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to Article VI, Section 19 of the Constitution. 

Missouri State Archives City and County Charters Finding Aid (RG 5.30)

City Clerk Records: Administrative records kept by the City Clerk including financial reports, regulatory information, public hearing notices, construction bids, receipts, taxpayer statements, correspondence, work orders, and more.

General License Register: Record indicating name, address, business to be licensed, date of issue, and expiration. Arranged chronologically.

Minutes and Agendas: Minutes and agendas presented to the governing body at its official meetings. May include appointments, budget reports, proclamations, annexation petitions, ordinances, resolutions, and other documents submitted for the official records.

Ordinances and Resolutions: Copies of ordinances and resolutions, including dates of adoption and signatures, sometimes with supporting materials. Ordinances include ordinance number, title, text, date passed, and signatures. Ordinances and resolutions may relate to a variety of subjects, such as new appointments, contract and agreement amendments, tax levies, alcohol licenses, zoning, and other issues relevant to municipal business.


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