Apply for Services

Wolfner Library offers informational and recreational materials in braille, audio and large print to Missourians who are unable to use standard print materials due to blindness, visual or physical impairment or a reading disability. Learn about the ways to apply for services below.

Individuals Applying for Services
If you are an individual applying for Wolfner Library services, please fill out the Individual Application. Please note that the application must be certified by a medical professional, social worker, rehabilitation teacher, librarian or other certifying authority listed within the application.

Institutions Applying for Services

Institutions, such as hospitals and nursing homes, can apply to bring Wolfner Library services to qualifying individuals which they serve. To apply for this service, please fill out the Institutional Application.

Schools Applying for Services
Wolfner Library also offers its services to schools with students who qualify for services. To learn more, please explore the School Services page. Schools will also need to fill out the School Application. After a school is approved to provide Wolfner Library materials, the Student Listing Form must be filled out annually.

Eligibility of Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons for Loan of Library Materials

Eligibility Requirements
Wolfner provides service to individuals who fall into any of the following categories:
  1. Blind persons whose visual acuity, as determined by a competent authority, is 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting lenses, or whose widest diameter of visual field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees.
  2. Persons whose visual disability, with correction and regardless of optical measurement, is certified by competent authority as preventing the reading of standard printed material
  3. Persons certified by competent authority as unable to read or unable to use standard printed material as a result of physical limitations.
  4. Persons certified by competent authority as having a perceptual or reading disability of sufficient severity to prevent their reading printed material in a normal manner.
  5. Persons eligible for service (falling into any of the above categories) who are now living as residents of the United States (including its territories, insular possessions, and the District of Columbia), or are American citizens eligible for service who are now living abroad, or dependents of active military personnel or diplomats.
This includes individuals who have had a qualifying disability from birth, individuals who are disabled because of medical conditions or trauma and individuals who become disabled as they age. Individuals who have a temporary disability may qualify for service on a temporary basis. Individuals who are blind or have a physical disability and who have been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States receive special priority.

Certifying Authority
“Competent authority” is defined to include:
  • Doctors of medicine
  • Doctors of osteopathy
  • Ophthalmologists
  • Optometrists
  • Registered nurses
  • Therapists
  • Professional staff of hospitals, institutions, and public or private welfare agencies, such as an educator, social worker, caseworker, counselor, rehabilitation teacher, certified reading specialist, school psychologist, superintendent or librarian.
In the absence of any of these, certification may be made by professional librarians or by any person whose competence under specific circumstances is acceptable to the Library of Congress.

Residency or U.S. Citizenship

Eligible readers must be residents of the United States, including the several states, territories, insular possessions, and the District of Columbia; or, American citizens domiciled abroad.

Patron Manual

A detailed online manual in pdf format containing the information any patron may need to enjoy Wolfner's services may be found in the Patron Manual.

Lending of Materials and Classes of Borrowers

In the lending of books, recordings, playback equipment, musical scores, instructional texts and other specialized materials, preference shall be given at all times to the needs of eligible people who have been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States.

Institutions such as nursing homes and hospitals may check out reading materials and playback equipment for the use of individuals who qualify and reside at the facility. The reading materials and playback equipment may also be used in public or private schools where eligible students are enrolled; however, the students in public or private schools must be certified as eligible on an individual basis and must be the direct and only recipients of the materials and equipment.

Missouri Residents
Eligible Missouri residents are served by the Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library. Wolfner Library may be contacted by:
Telephone toll-free within Missouri  800-392-2614
Within the Jefferson City area 573-751-8720
Toll-free TDD 800-347-1379
Email address [email protected]